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27 & 28 February 2012
Solidarity with the revolting people in Greece (Hamburg/Germoney)
The crisis is the fucking system!
In Greece, people struggle against the direct results of decisions made by German and other European politicians above their and our heads! The anti-Greece-propaganda of the German press is disgusting to us!
Our solidarity goes out to those in strike and struggle, who are imprisoned and see themselves confronted with repression. Also we send solidarity to the Greek revolutionaries of the urban guerrilla group “Revolutionary Struggle”, who are confronted with the courts for their ideas and struggles.
During the nights of February, the 27th and 28th, we attacked six banks in Hamburg. It’s a small, but clear sign to attack banks in Germany, for example, we were inspired by an action of solidarity in Bielefeld, and we hope that a lot of people will do the same and send solidarity to the revolting people in Greece and rage and stones against the banks and their system.
May a lot of people get to the streets in Frankfurt and everywhere on the 31st of March and any time else!
For a hot summer! Freedom!
From culmine.noblogs.org:
1 March 2012
Ours is the conviction
Gendarmería, Local, and Buenos Aires Federal police, civilian brigades, anti-terrorist laws, biometric identification systems, thousands of cameras throughout the city, vigilant citizens ready to betray, overcrowded jails, torture, murder … this is the scenario where our struggle, in a context similar to many other cities, attacking comrades, individually or collectively, without any social consensus and without the approval of any leader, alone and with their principles and values, burn like a fire.
For our part, we report that on Thursday March 1st at 2:30 in the morning, we attacked with an explosive / incendiary, the Criminal Court in Calle Paraguay 1536, in the city center, causing visible damage to the facade and their windows.
We’re thinking of the comrades Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepulveda and Juan Aliste Vega, who were on hunger strike in prison in Santiago on February 17, within days of international turmoil (19 to 29 February).
Compañeros: The subversion is awake and will not disappear! While there is poverty there will be rebellion!!
The brothers of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, that even within the prison continue war unabated. We are brothers with their words, their gestures and their actions and with the project of the Informal Anarchist Federation, to which we contribute and strengthen.
With love and complicity for the companion Luciano Pitronello (Turtle), wounded and kidnapped by the Chilean state. Gabriel Pombo da Silva, prisoner in Germany – anarquista integro; Marco Camenisch, fighter for the liberation of the earth; and comrade-prisoners in Mexico, Spain, Italy, Indonesia…
With Mauricio Morales and Lambros Foundas always present in the combative memory.
War without truce to the whole system of domination
Indomitable Nucleus for the Spread of the Fire / FAI
From cette semaine, translated from informa-azione (see

Sabotage in Savoy
We learn from the press of the regime that early in the morning on Saturday 3rd March acts of sabotage were carried out on the French railway trunk line. Three arsons hit the railway structures in the town of La Ravoire, Saint-Pierre-d’Albigny and Chamousset, near Chambery (Savoy).
These acts of sabotage, two of which on the high speed railway (TGV), caused delays throughout the day of Saturday for a hundred trains on the lines going from Chambery to Mondane (and to Italy), Bourg-Saint-Maurice and Grenoble. Therefore high speed trains to Italy were delayed besides those full of tourists going skiing (it’s school holiday in France).
Two signalling caves were set on fire, which are particularly important on this line because high speed trains use only one track on both directions. According to the press, unknown people tore off the cable trays in concrete running along the railroad tracks and set fire to the caves inside them (signalling cave) using rags soaked in petrol and oil. A graffiti saying NO TAV was left on a railway sentry box close to the arsons.
Police say they are not sure that the sabotage is linked to what’s going on in Val Susa (!) but a great numbers of gendarmes backed by helicopters equipped with thermal cameras were deployed to patrol the railroad tracks in the area…
On Thursday 1st March a solidarity demo with the NO TAV movement was held in Lyon. A group of unmasked people split from the march and forced a technician to open the door of a railway centre. The small group of demonstrators went up the railroad tracks and threw bags of sand at the air cables which feed the trains, thus blocking the latter. All trains that were due to pass by on that track were therefore delayed for one and a half hours (on one of the trains there were even two ministers visiting the area!) During the night paint was threw and graffiti were left on the walls of the Italian consulate of the city.
Translated from informa-azione:
Rome, 9th March 2012 (Adnkronos) – On the day following the explosion of a device outside the branch of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena bank on Via Dei Prati Fiscali in Rome, a letter claiming the attack has been addressed to the AdnKronos group in piazza Mastai. The letter is signed by the Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front / Anti-Social Nucleus.
The letter has been delivered this morning and has been seized by DIGOS officers [political police division] immediately called on the premises. Surveys and investigations are being carried out by the police. The explosive attack, with which the Anti-Social Nucleus explain their affiliation to the FAI/FRI, is claimed as a new contribution to the struggle against the State, the banks and capitalism.
The Anti-Social Nucleus-FAI dedicate this action to Eat and Billy, Indonesian anarchists arrested following an attack on a bank and already mentioned in other claims accompanying similar attacks. Solidarity is also expressed to anarchists arrested all over the world, including those who ended up in jail for the actions against the TAV.
from liberaciontotal.lahaine.org, translated by waronsociety.noblogs.org:
Will will limit ourselves to just publishing some photos of the riots that happened yesterday Thursday March 8th, after the march for the International Woman’s Day.
Riots and clashes happened at La Moneda, in the Plaza de la Ciudadania, and on one side of the General Police Headquarters , where barricades were set on fire on the majority of the surrounding streets, commericial stores were stoned and especially the banks of the area including the looting a ScotiaBank and a Santander Bank using the things inside for the barricades. A “Hola” gas station was destroyed along with a Transantiago bus which they tried to burn. All this done by the maladapted of always, the “known unknowns” of always, THE HOODED ONES…
Anything is an opportunity to sabotage the icons of exploitation!
Long live the Street Struggle!
from anarchistnews.org:
On the evening of March 8th we attacked the Greek Consulate General on Gough Street in the city of San Francisco. We painted the phrase ‘LONG LIVE ANARCHY’ on the street-facing garage doors and cracked the front windows with rocks. The windows were heavily reinforced, owing no doubt to the paranoia and fear the Greek state feels in every direction and in every country.
With this action we send our greeting and encouragment to our comrades in Greece. We also want to encourage more focused attacks in the USA against specific targets.
To all of the fighter in all of the Greek cities, never stop, we will always be with you, however far away. We are all together, however minimal our actions. Keep struggling, never forget your comrades are everywhere. Good luck to everyone in the coming months and strength to the comrades locked up in prison.
-The Malaka Brigade
Friends of the Earth / FAI :

from culmine.noblogs.org, translated by waronsociety.noblogs.org:
The motivations that the thought control media demand of us are expressed in every one of the public communiques that we sent through the websites of the state and capitalism, and also those that spread the practice of anarchy, called total liberation.
The social class that makes up the bourgeoisie (coincidentally they are the whitest) actively consolidates on the Earth, destroying everything there is of beauty in the health of a life among trees and plants, in order to not let there to be any other way of traveling than at 50 km/h; no one will be able to be free like that, always depending more and more on technology that is more complex in order to always do the same thing–produce and consume in order to exploit everything to the maximum, to satisfy civilization’s vice.
Our proposal is the destruction of the cars and property of the bourgeoisie, attacking them in their neighborhoods, from Palermo to Villa Devoto they all believe and are certain that everything stays the same, but there are individuals who are fed up and we intend to continue the initiative of expanding daily revolt.
Friends of the Earth / Informal Anarchist Federation
from indymedia.org.au:
In the early hours of the 10th of March, exactly two years since Lambros Foundas was gunned down by uniformed pigs in the street of Athens, some anarchist vandals targeted the Marrickville branch of the Beirut Hellenic Bank.
We sprayed "BURN BANKS" "FOR LAMBROS" "FOR SOCIAL REVOLUTION" on the windows of the bank, put superglue in the ATM card slots and covered the screens with paint.
This minor act of sabotage was carried out in memory of Lambros, an anarchist, social fighter and member of Revolutionary Struggle. He lived with the courage and conviction to translate his anti-authoritarian beliefs into action and he died on his feet, for that we will never forget him.
Eternal Honour to Lambros Foundas, Solidarity with the Revolutinary Struggle and Immediate Freedom for Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas.
For generalized attacks on all machinery of capital and the state!
REPOSTED FROM 325.nostate.net AND waronsociety.noblogs.org
"I am addressing the undisciplined and untamed spirits of our era, the small minorities that do not bow, the free thinking individuals, the wolves that escaped the hunting. We should not allow the wind to ease, because within us thousands of small fires continue to ignite our mutiny. Our actions should speak even louder, shout more because on its own 'no verse mobilizes the masses, no verse reverses regimes'. It takes struggle, struggle, struggle. Struggle with voices and chants on the demonstrations, struggle with a flaming molotov, struggle with stones, with paint, armed struggle, grenades and bombs, struggle with the the pencil, pen and books, struggle with arsons and conspiracies, struggle and always struggle." ~ CHRISTOS TSAKALOS (Imprisoned member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Informal Anarchist Federation)
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