Here are some set dates for the summer of resistance, get in touch with your own. Remember that it is up to you whether you want your event publicised or a secret.
Tuesday the first of May: come down to Brighton for a big noise demo outside the factory to get us started. Bring noise banners, instruments and anything else you want to contribute.
Thursday the 3rd of May: Phone blockade of EDO/ITT and twitter prompting of EDO parent company @ITTexelis. The great thing about this one is that you can challenge EDO about their business wherever you are.
Sunday the 6th of May: Party in the park, Brighton. Details TBA.
Saturday the 12th of May: Target Barclays. Smash EDO will target Barclays, the Market makers on the New York stock exchange for ITT Exelis, in North Street, Brighton. If you can't join us there, target Barclays where you are!
Bank holiday Monday the 4th of June: Big demo. If you have been to any of our previous ones, such as the carnival against the arms trade or the 2009 Brighton Mayday you know what we're talking about! And since June the 5th is also a bank holiday on account of the diamond jubilee, this is the perfect time to make it down to Brighton!
That's all for now, but plenty more to come...