1 March 2012
Ours is the conviction
Gendarmería, Local, and Buenos Aires Federal police, civilian brigades, anti-terrorist laws, biometric identification systems, thousands of cameras throughout the city, vigilant citizens ready to betray, overcrowded jails, torture, murder … this is the scenario where our struggle, in a context similar to many other cities, attacking comrades, individually or collectively, without any social consensus and without the approval of any leader, alone and with their principles and values, burn like a fire.
For our part, we report that on Thursday March 1st at 2:30 in the morning, we attacked with an explosive / incendiary, the Criminal Court in Calle Paraguay 1536, in the city center, causing visible damage to the facade and their windows.
We’re thinking of the comrades Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepulveda and Juan Aliste Vega, who were on hunger strike in prison in Santiago on February 17, within days of international turmoil (19 to 29 February).
Compañeros: The subversion is awake and will not disappear! While there is poverty there will be rebellion!!
The brothers of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, that even within the prison continue war unabated. We are brothers with their words, their gestures and their actions and with the project of the Informal Anarchist Federation, to which we contribute and strengthen.
With love and complicity for the companion Luciano Pitronello (Turtle), wounded and kidnapped by the Chilean state. Gabriel Pombo da Silva, prisoner in Germany – anarquista integro; Marco Camenisch, fighter for the liberation of the earth; and comrade-prisoners in Mexico, Spain, Italy, Indonesia…
With Mauricio Morales and Lambros Foundas always present in the combative memory.
War without truce to the whole system of domination
Indomitable Nucleus for the Spread of the Fire / FAI
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