www.99percentrecordings.com is a pioneering new electronic dance music label, with a mission to unite a generation and encourage a peaceful, democratic campaign against an unjust system.

www.99percentrecordings.com is a pioneering new electronic dance music label, with a mission to unite a generation and encourage a peaceful, democratic campaign against an unjust system.
It's hard to switch on a TV and watch the news these days without hearing the same old stories about trouble in the world economy. Ironically, despite the constant depressing news stream, the causation and reality of the world's debt problems goes largely unreported.
The governments are not admitting the root causes of the financial crisis, they're not tackling the practices or people that caused it, nor are they coming up with solutions to make the system fairer for all.
What they are doing is maintaining the status quo; preserving a failed system that only rewards the elite in society and one that forces the majority who elected them in to poverty.
Youth unemployment has hit 25%. There are very few jobs available!
The youth and poor of today face a very bleak future and this has the potential to create very big problems in our cities, towns and villages.
When there's nothing left to hope for, people start to forget about the rules and focus on their survival...
The super rich in this society continue to make obscene, unethical gains to the detriment of every one else.
This is wrong and undermines the very values and stability of our democratic societies.
We can't allow this injustice to go unchallenged any longer.
It must be challenged through socially responsible intervention!
Join our campaign.
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