Ive spent a rather depressing night looking at the world news via reddit. namely torture camps in the Sinat desert in Egypt,the Russian leader Putin blaming USA for his peoples protest regarding corruption in the election and possible UK near future involvement with the USA in Iran. Whats going on in the world ? Who wants this crap ? not me or any of the people I know.
Ive recently read about the Tavistock institute on this website. What can I say about it ? Who knows whats true in this world ? I know I've felt helpless to make a change. Our politicians in the UK don't listen to us(I have considered myself Earthish for a long time now). David Cameraman calling the N30 strike action a damp squid,his friend Jeremy Clarkson seeming to step up to take the flack away from him. I could go on.
Read the weblink above and watch the video.I don't feel so depressed about things now because I feel there is something I can do to fight the bullshit. Lets get together in what some people would call prayer or what some people would call positive thinking or perhaps the law of attraction (its a science now also for you atheists out there) on Sunday the 11th and then on the 22nd of December 2011.
We can change the world peacefully! We deserve it, we the 99%.
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Talking about being Mad....
09.12.2011 11:59
Mad Barry