This is a call for escalation, in response to the escalated levels of government-enacted violence and repression The Occupy Movement has endured over the last few weeks. In dozens of cities across the nation, Mayors chose to stifle freedom of speech and the right to assemble by evicting peaceful occupations using illegal and and unconstitutional force. Here in New York, on the night of November 14, the City—under orders from Mayor Bloomberg—violently evicted our community from Liberty Square.
The 99% has been been oppressed and silenced for far too long. Therefore, THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS are hunger striking to demand the right to create space for The Occupy Movement to rise up and speak out.
You can help by bringing blankets and warm clothes, as well as hot water, lemon, cayenne pepper and maple syrup to Sixth Avenue and Canal Street. We will live there, day and night, until our movement has unfettered access to this space.
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04.12.2011 09:37
If you want "space", then occupy it. Arrange to meet each other at various places...organise when you get there.
A mass gathering of people encourages demonstrators that other people care enough to motivate themselves, but if you want change then BE that change. Move your money... develop alternative support networks... attend planning committees... but maybe don't sit down in the cold and starve yourselves. Hunger strikes depend on people being emotionally [or at least politically] moved by concern for your welfare. If local "authorities" are prepared to teargas you, shoot pellets at you, beat you, and drag you screaming into a detention centre... will they mind if you permanently damage yourselves by refusing to eat? Will support be gained from sympathetic people whom are aware of less advantaged malnourished victims elsewhere? Will many people want to join in?
I wish you well, my advice is to stay strong and occupy minds.
Healthy Appetite