One characteristic of blogs/websites done by anarchists is, as with the printed word, a refusal of the concept of copyright, in favour of the reproduction and widest diffusion of texts. Postings move around cyberspace, are translated into many languages and reach the hearts and minds of comrades all over the planet, contributing to extending and deepening the struggle against capital and the State.
Much could be/needs to be discussed concerning the double-edged tool of the internet, but that is not why we are writing now.
We want to draw the attention of UK indymedia - and those who read it - to the fact that there have been a number of postings on your website of material that we have put up in our blog,

We have had such posts removed more than once by going through the procedure that exists for this purpose. A recent example was that of a few days ago when a link to our new website, accompanied by the above symbol, was posted up by the same bunch of idiots.
At the present moment, as anyone can see, an article, Letter to the anarchist galaxy that we received and posted up on our website on November 22 now resides in the network of indymedia UK, at

With the present communication we are asking you to please delete this post and any further postings that appear in UK indymedia in the name of actforfreedomnow using this symbol.
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