"The Directors are still hopeful ...of seeing a small rise in turnover and profits as the unemployment figures continue to rise"...‘Interim ordinary dividends were paid amounting to £3,700,000. The directors do not recommend payment of a further dividend’.
From: ‘Business Employment Services Training Ltd’ (‘BEST’) in CPA 8 (Yorkshire & The Humber), Invitation to Tender:

Page 17: Resolving issues identified within/outside the supply chain:- Harnessing the application of Prince2 project management principles we have developed a robust range of processes to resolve any issues identified within or outside our supply chain. Our delivery management structures provide a range of effective communication channels for the supply chain and stakeholders to raise any issues.
Page 32: BEST and our supply chain are fully conversant with „community benefit‟ terminology and how to source external placements that offer such benefits. All PMs (and supply chain partners equivalents) will receive training so that they are fully conversant with community benefit stipulations.
The current EC public sector Directives do not refer to framework agreements although their use is well established and has been recognised by the Commission.

The day we have been waiting for has arrived. The ERSS Framework results have been released, bringing the mobile phone network, broadband and the DWP website grinding to a halt!
The UK has been broken up into ‘Contract Package Areas’ (CPAs), 11 CPAs for the ‘Mandatory Work Activity’ and 18 CPAs for the ‘Work Programme’. ‘Work Programme’ regions have at least two prime providers, money for this coming from the European Social Fund, totalling £3,314,150,805. The ‘Contracts Finder’ website has the ‘Invitation to Tender’ documents but the contracts have yet to be found (a legal requirement of the DWP is to make these public.)
Via 'Mandatory Work Activity' and the 'Work Programme', 2.5 million people are expected to be fed into supply chains over the next few years, (stated on direct.gov.uk). 'Mandatory Work Activity' specifies that those on this programme must, apart from 'work placements' also contribute to 'community benefit' (under the 'stake-holder' community). [name removed] is chaired by the same [name removed] who produced the eugenics for schools film 'The Farm Revealed', instructing students to read Galton, founder of the British Eugenics Society.
The supply chains are set up under Prince2 project management principles, to conform to the Merlin Standard (excellence in supply chain management) within a year, with the PCG (Parent Company Guarantee) in place to ensure supply chains function efficiently. Serco discussed whether to 'stock-pile' customers in their Post Tender Discussions. There will be a ‘contact trail’ (all contact between the ‘customer’ and the provider) which will be ‘audited’. Sanctions are computer generated. According to Ingeus-Deloitte’s own documents, if you do not ‘engage’ with the ‘Work Programme’ you will either go on a ‘personal journey’ or do ‘Mandatory Work Activity’.
The ‘customer journey’ through the supply chain is considered to be commercially sensitive by all prime providers (as is the existence of the PCG). ‘Customer journeys’ contain ‘touch-points’ which are the interface between the user and the organisation. It seems ‘Mandatory Work Activity’ and ‘Work Programme’ customer journeys and scenarios are where ‘touch-points’ are being identified and re-engineered. Presumably this is to produce better and more obedient consumers.
CDG (Careers Development Group) state that they own the intellectual property rights to their initiatives. (

NCG (Newcastle Careers Group, as yet not found as either a registered company or charity) state:

The information as collated and presented in the tender is not known beyond a narrow circle.
Mobilisation plans (produced on gantt charts by all Prime Providers as requested by DWP) went live some months ago.
It is worth noting that ATOS have offices by the Ark Academy in Brent. Also worth noting is that the ‘Opening Minds’ school curriculum is a eugenics curriculum (available on-line. ) From Year 7 Science, students must (quote) ‘understand that physical differences can lead to a hierarchy of good/not so good.’
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