And the demonstration at the Nigerian High Commission at Northumberland Street can be seen here:

Mazi King Eze Onuigbo is still in detention at Colnbrook Immigration Removal centre. The UKBA conducted his asylum interview for two days this week and he is awaiting the decision of that substantive interview. His life is increasingly in danger if removed to Nigeria because of his strong and unalloyed belief in the Actualisation Mof Sovereign State of Biafra. As the Nigerian State continues to crumble from unending violence, and ethnic irredentism, Mazi King Eze Onuigbo is definitely one of such individuals that the Nigerian state would want to put in prison, or torture, if not killed because of his stance that Nigeria must dismember leading to the emergence of Sovereign State of Biafra.
Self- determination is a right and not a privilege. This engages the United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights. In this regard, Mazi King Eze Onuigbo is asking for his right to safety. The Nigerian government is still looking for those in the United Kingdom who participated in the disruption of the ‘Nigeria Heart of Africa’ project in which they sought to project to the world that Nigeria is safe environment for investment. Mazi Onuigbo together with other Biafrans proved the Nigerian government otherwise by showing the world that Nigeria is thriving on heinous massive human rights abuses and among others against the Biafrans who believe in actualisation of the Sovereign state of Biafra.
Furthermore, Mazi Onuigbo is a leader and not an ordinary member of a number of pro-Biafra organizations in the UK. He is a member of Biafra Liberation in Exile (BILIE); the current president of the Good Shepherd Movement and former Chairman of Biafra Liberation League/MASSOB INTERNATIONAL.
What you can do to help / Please take urgent action now
1) Email/Fax Theresa May, Home Secretary. Ask her to exercise her discretionary powers to stop the continued detention of King Eze Onuigbo and allow him protection in the UK as he as he would harmed if removed to Nigeria or killed. Please remember to quote King Eze Onuigbo’s Home Office Reference number: O1142828 in any correspondence.
Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 7035 4745


"CIT - Treat Official"
2) Email/Fax Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister: Ask him to intervene with the Home Secretary Theresa May to stop the continued detention of King Eze Onuigbo and grant him leave to Remain in the UK as he would be harmed, tortured, imprisoned if not killed in Nigeria if removed. If you do please remember to include King Eze Onuigbo’s Home Office Reference: O1142828 in all your correspondence.
Nick Clegg - Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall
Correspondence Section:
Tel: 020 7276 0527
Fax: 020 7276 0514

Please notify Onuigbo’s support group of any action taken: