touted as the leading Republican candidate for US president, bought
vivisection company Behring of Germany, a company which had for 100 years
inflicted pain and captivity on dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. Romney kept
brutal rodeos in the Salt Lake City rodeos, invested his company in animal
flesh mongers, vivisectors and other ecocidal ventures. His business partner
has been Goldman Sachs, itself invested in animal murder around the world.
The link is

of Romney's Bain Capital disc jockeys to animals.
touted as the leading Republican candidate for US president, bought
vivisection company Behring of Germany, a company which had for 100 years
inflicted pain and captivity on dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. Romney kept
brutal rodeos in the Salt Lake City rodeos, invested his company in animal
flesh mongers, vivisectors and other ecocidal ventures. His business partner
has been Goldman Sachs, itself invested in animal murder around the world.
The link is

of Romney's Bain Capital disc jockeys to animals.
Romney Bought Vivisection Companies For Bain Capital
The longterm animal killing records of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama
For working links go to cited

I Mitt Romney:
A Animals bombed in 5 illegal wars...Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen:
Mitt Romney has supported every illegal war of the Bush and Obama administrations, as he advocated 50,000 more troops to Iraq (excluding of course his own 5 sons).
B Romney's purchase as sole power behind Bain Capital of Behring, a German vivisection company which has been researching on dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits etc for over 100 years
C Treatment of dogs
Dogs Against Romney

D Treatment of captive cows
The Mormon Church helped Mitt Romney's private equity (no transparency) Bain Capital illegally to acquire the Clear Channel network (itself illegally large according to original FCC rules).

There is a constant stream of animal cadaver ads on Clear Channel stations.

Joked one animal protector: "At least he doesn't drink coffee!' to which another
replied: "the trioxypurines in meat are more harmful than the dioxypurines in caffein"
E Romney's Bain Capital is invested in animal slaughter, drug companies researching on animals, war profiteering, ecocidal corporations.
F. Mormon investment in animal
Besides being invested heavily in Mitt Romney's Clear Channel through its owner Bain Capital,
the Mormon Church is invested in another radio chain, Bonneville International Corporation - the 14th largest radio chain in the U.S.[
LDS investments in animal slaughter are massive. A sliver of them are Deseret Ranches, Florida's largest cow concentration camp, over 300,000 acres in 3 Central Florida counties,
Farmland Reserve Inc. which includes 228,000 acres (923 km²) in Nebraska,[26]; 51,600 acres in Osage County, Oklahoma[27]; over 312,000 acres (1,260 km²) in Florida
From cruelty toward his own family dog to participating in a canned hunt and to Clear Channel's dj abuse of
animals and ads for toxic mammal flesh, Romney has been connected to bloodshedding.
Cattle slaughter money from the LDS church was part of Romney's illegal takeover of an illegal network: Clear Channel. The money was funneled to Bain Capital, which he and 2 others founded.

has done to animals)
G Rodeo
Mitt Romney decided to keep brutal rodeos in the Salt Lake City Olympics

H Romney fronted money from Goldman Sachs for the
purchase of Dade of Illinois. Goldman Sachs is heavily
invested in animal flesh industries, vivisection,
ecocide worldwide.
With the exception of Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul* and possibly Gary Johnson, every candidate for president in
the Democratic and Republican political parties supports continuing
illegal wars of the Obama regime.
I Barack Obama:
Virtually every federal agency supervised by Obama
is involved in killing animals.
A. Obama's continued bombing and burning of animals
in FIVE! illegal wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and the rogue agency CIA's war in Yemen).
B. Obama's FBI Director Robert Mueller has crucified nonviolent
animal rights activists and his AETA (the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act) has criminalized the 1st amendment (freedom of assembly, expression, religion)
and has stigmatized not the corporate, government killers of billions of animals
but animal protectors.
Under Obama, the USDA has expanded its
program to kill billions of birds for cattlemen who don't want the birds eating the cows' food.
Under Obama, NIH continues its billions of dollars for animal torture (called research).
E. Under Obama, the CDC continues its Frankenstein primate torture.
Many more will vote third party in 2012, whether Green, Libertarian, Independent, Socialist, etc. Many Tea Party candidates are Republicans in disguise.

F. Under Obama, NASA continued to inflict pain on captive animals, irradiating chimps in Brookhaven Massachusetts..
G. Obama took credit for increased sales of the cadavers of murdered pigs to China, murdered chickens elsewhere.
H. Obama's govt. is killing whales
Obama should like Lyndon Johnson resign from a race for a 2nd term.
II Dennis Kucinich: the only vegan antiwar candidate in the race as far as we know.

III Hillary Clinton a henhawk who has promoted all 5 wars of the Bush and Obama regimes.
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