“The black community and the white community in Birmingham are treated with iron fists. The Islamic community are treated with kid gloves and that’s just the way it is. And it’s not on, You can’t have a two-tier policing system. There can be no master race. And I’m sorry, but there is a master race in certain areas of this country and it’s Islam !”
Therefore, Yaxley-Lennon is now on record as 1) essentially claiming that there are 3 races in Birmingham, namely white, black and Muslims, and 2) describing the religion of Islam as a “race”. Apart from the fact that Yaxley-Lennon's description of what he claims to be the three communities in Birmingham would raise some eyebrows amongst the city’s sizeable Sikh and Hindu populations, his remarks also make a mockery of the EDL's claims that their bigotry isn't racially-motivated “because Islam is not a race”.
The implications of Yaxley-Lennon’s statements are even more disturbing when you bear in mind the following fact: As a result of his speech during the EDL’s demonstration in London on 3 September 2011, Yaxley-Lennon is also on record as publicly accusing “every single Muslim” of collective guilt for 7/7 and publicly making a direct threat against what he terms “the Islamic community” en masse:
“EVERY SINGLE MUSLIM watching this on Youtube, on 7/7 you got away with killing and maiming British citizens, you got away with it. You had better understand that we have built a network from one end of this country to the other end, and we will not tolerate it, and the Islamic community will feel the full force of the English Defence League if we see any of our citizens killed, maimed or hurt on British soil ever again.”
Video footage of the extract above is available here:

Regardless of whether Yaxley-Lennon was specifically addressing Muslims on that occasion or whether he was indeed using the terms “Muslim” and “Islamic” as euphemisms for “Asian”, Yaxley-Lennon's sinister statements clearly indicate that he doesn't even regard British “Muslims” as British citizens at all. Not to mention the fact that Yaxley-Lennon also seems to be ignoring -- or strangely ignorant of -- the fact that the British citizens murdered by terrorists on 7/7 included a number of Muslims. So he responds to the deaths of British citizens by.....making threats against millions of British citizens, including the surviving family members of those murdered on 7/7.
- It is also worth bearing in mind that Yaxley-Lennon is on record as stating that he agrees with the opinions of the mass-murdering Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik (see:

- Yaxley-Lennon's hypocrisy is particularly striking when you consider the fact that he is actually the son of Irish immigrants. Irish terrorists have been responsible for more than 10,000 successful bomb attacks against the British Isles (see:

- Yaxley-Lennon has been given a 12-week suspended jail sentence after he was found guilty of violently assaulting one of the EDL’s members during their demonstration in Blackburn (see:

- The EDL leadership have written a “Code of Conduct” for the EDL, which was published in August 2010 via the EDL's official Facebook page. If you Google “EDL Code of Conduct” then you'll be able to read identical information from multiple online EDL sources, but you can also see a screenshot of exactly the same “code” via 1MU here:

- According to Reuters (see:

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