The Independent, 21 October 2011
The Independent, 21 October 2011
Independent on Sunday, 28 August 2011
“End of a tyrant”: The Independent and The Guardian jubilant over the assassination of Libya’s deposed President Gaddafi
[propaganda alert]
compiled by Cem Ertür
21 October 2011
“Today, the government of Libya announced the death of Muammar Qaddafi. This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya, who now have the opportunity to determine their own destiny in a new and democratic Libya. [...]
This comes at a time when we see the strength of American leadership across the world. We’ve taken out al Qaeda leaders, and we’ve put them on the path to defeat. We’re winding down the war in Iraq and have begun a transition in Afghanistan. And now, working in Libya with friends and allies, we’ve demonstrated what collective action can achieve in the 21st century.”
[US President Barack Obama, White House press briefing, Washington DC, 20 October 2011] (*)
(*) Remarks by the President on the Death of Muammar Qaddafi
The White House website, 20 October 2011
related document:
PM statement on Colonel Qadhafi's death
Number 10 (official website of UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s Office), 20 October 2011
related articles:
Gaddafi: Dead or alive?
by Stephen Lendman, SteveLendmanBlog, 21 October 2011
Libya: NATO provides the bombs; the French “left” provides the ideology
by Pierre Lévy, MRZine, 5 October 2011
Are Democracy Now!'s correspondents in Libya feeding us the State Department and Pentagon line?
by Bruce A. Dixon, Black Agenda Report, 5 October 2011
Libya and the big lie: Using human rights organizations to launch wars
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, 29 September 2011
War of ideas breaks out over battle in Libya: Phony leftists exposed
by John Catalinotto, Workers World, 31 August 2011
The British left spreads misinformation about Libya
by Cailean Bochanan, In These New Times, 28th August, 2011
Pack journalism anti-Gaddafi propaganda
by Stephen Lendman, SteveLendmanBlog, 2 July 2011
from the archives:
MI6 Plot to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi
Police enquiry confirms Plot is not “fantasy”
by David Shayler, 11 November 2001
propaganda alert:
UK Prime Minister Cameron: We must not be afraid to use military force against tyrants
by Cem Ertür, San Francisco Bay Area Indymedia, 26 September 2011
Hide the following 2 comments
22.10.2011 00:38
it does not matter what the regime is saying - it matters what it is not saying
22.10.2011 20:00
- the international insurrection has found once it takes the issue of regime change away from the regimes and makes it a matter of the people on the street, any and every attempt of regime change by other regimes is a proxy attack against the entire insurrection, even when the targets are not part thereof
- the nato tyrants have gambled away their last options to plead for mercy when it comes to them - they will be treated like they treated others
- the libyan renegades have expressed everything that needs to be said about the euro kangaroo court - they prefer their own ritual of human sacrifice
- the commercial media are blaming their blood lust either on the target of the assassination or on the libyan national character, whatever seems more opportune - they only reach those for whom contradictions do not matter anyways
- the power balancing ideologues and disgruntled activists, who have fallen to the deception that one less head of state always was an improvement whatever the circumstances, now can see that human rights violations do not disappear with this or that bogeyman, and ending them requires system change
there also are some implications of the regime statements around this assassination:
- the term "collective action" is an obvious plagiarism intended to cover up the permanent lamenting about unfair burden-sharing within nato hierarchies - and as such also an unintended affirmation of the reliable impact of the insurrection at home (ows)
- the general estimation of world events painted there is so beside the point that it bears the question whether it is actually being believed by the speaker - and the answer that this aspect is entirely irrelevant for a political ideology in the yoke of the scorched earth tactics of escalating drone warfare
- the term "path of defeat" is a deliberately ambiguous euphemism for the notable absence of any positive goals within the agenda of the nato regime - not only does it omit the assumed purpose of a defeat, but also the ominous observation that it is just being defeated by its own monstrous success
easy target