The dudes from Rolls Royce are building even more funky shit up at the 'death park' in Rotherham. If it isnt plain as day that businesses at the AMP dealing in nuclear, aerospace, military, robotics, drones and death are working together for some sinister shit then you might as well go back to sleep! NO NUCLEAR NO WAY!
Rolls-Royce set to get the green light
Artist's impression of the new Rolls-Royce development, with the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre in the background
Published on Wednesday 12 October 2011 09:09
Planning chiefs are set to give Rolls-Royce the go-ahead to create hundreds of hi-tech jobs on South Yorkshire’s Advanced Manufacturing Park.
Rotherham planners are recommending councillors give outline planning approval to the project to build three factories on the site, when they meet tomorrow.
But they want the aerospace giant to contribute £850,000 to improve road junctions leading onto the AMP and provide a further £24,000 for bus shelters.
Concerns expressed by Sheffield City Council and South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive about the high number of car parking spaces – 860 in all – have been dismissed by Rotherham planners.
They accept Rolls-Royce’s arguments that the parking spaces will be needed when the factories are fully manned and to accommodate shift changes. One of the factories – to be occupied by what Rolls-Royce is describing as Project PoWeR – will eventually cover 21,000 sq metres of land – the size of almost three football pitches – and will be the tallest building on the AMP site.
It will be 38 metres high at one end – big enough to accommodate vessels weighing up to 140 tonnes and 23 metres high, which will be at the heart of the next generation of nuclear power stations.
Rolls-Royce’s second factory – covering an area of up to 14,900 square metres – would be the company’s Advanced Blade Casting Facility, making turbine blades for jet engine, which have to withstand temperatures of more than 1,900C.
The third factory which planners are recommending councillors approve, would cover 8,800 square metres next to the Advanced Blade Casting Facility.
It could either be used by Rolls-Royce for further job-creating investment or let to another occupier, possibly one of the firm’s suppliers.
If councillors give outline approval, as expected, Rolls-Royce has said it will submit detailed proposals next year, with the aim of Project PoWer starting production before the end of 2013.
Rolls-Royce has made a series of proposals to improve the ecology around its new factories, including building two ponds to encourage invertebrates, birds and, possibly, fish, the installation of nesting boxes for bats and insects and measures to encourage reptiles.

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Booming time for the NUKElear industry
13.10.2011 20:55
You can just see it, can't you, the front pages of the Star and the x months, years? time...OOPS there appears to have been a fire and a NUCLEAR explosion at the AMRC plant in Rotherham Waverley........and over 100 people killed with lots of others injured and likely to die before too long......but, Hey, never mind, eh....
because we NEEDED the jobs in the Airforce, military and motoring industries that were created there -because there were NO jobs in the health care, social care, welfare benefits, libraries, schools, local government or, erm yes, environmental we created LOTS of jobs for people to learn how to kill, maybe get killed, in nuclear instead...and .......
BOOOM......there you have it.
S, just plane funny isn't it....all this warfare, nuclear necessity?
And, of course, you will ONLY be able to actually read what the Star and Telegraph DO say on their front pages when it actually happens, if you were well over one or two hundred miles away from the nuclear affected areas and reading it on some online computer terminal ....because the contamination from the fire, tests, explosion, whatever, will probably close much of Rotherham and Sheffield area to breathable air...for a good many, many years afterwards, but HEY, we needed the job's for the boys and their toys...
What's a bit of nuclear contamination of the clean air -between profit, eh?
And the maggots, that you often get writing in on the "comments pages" online of these articles will, as usual be blaming the blacks, immigrants, asylum seekers for the explosion and the lack of between of course, their visits to their toilets to puke up some more blood and puss......funny how they JUST can't GET IN at the hospitals to have their Nuclear Contamination seen to....because er, the hospitals....actually CLOSED DOWN due to no money for services and, erm, shortage of need, so the govt and private industry decided to save some money....and go for the NUCLEAR answer instead.
This is just, sooo, sooo, super funny :-)........
and all a bit of a very sad, sorry, reflection on "whatever became of the humanity, in SOME humans, really". Tsk, tsk,
Auntie War