We attended the opening march for Occupy Portland because we are some angry-ass proles who really hate capitalism. Although Occupy Wall Street (and the various off-shoot occupations) have few official defined goals or positions, there is a general opposition to "corporate greed" and "corrupt politics". As anarchists, we seek to expose and destroy the roots of these problems - as long as capitalism and the state exist, there will be greedy corporations and corrupt politicians. Capitalism and the state cannot be reformed into something kinder, gentler, or more humane, it is exploitative by nature. We wished to push the discourse at Occupy Portland in a more radical, explicitly anti-capitalist and anti-state direction. So we attended the Occupy Portland opening march in full team colors with a big banner that read "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP (A) NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN." Hey, we do have a sense of humor.
To the crowd's chants of "We are the ninety-nine percent!" we responded with "You have a shitty class analysis!" To their chants of "Show me what democracy looks like!" we responded with "This is what a police state looks like!"
Before moving to the park that they planned to occupy (err, can you really call it an occupation if you have a permit?) the crowd gathered in the park across from the Justice Center. The organizers/leaders took turns making speeches to the crowd on the PA system. One of the A-team members made it up to the steps where the organizers were speaking, managed to get on the microphone, and read this hastily-written speech:
"Egalitariansim has never existed under capitalism, and we should not be trying to restore our culture to some mythical egalitarian past that never existed. To argue that the system just needs to be fixed (as if it were ever unbroken) is to ignore the racism, sexism, and all other forms of oppression that have existed as long as the state and capitalism have. This whole fucking system is designed to exploit us. Let's kick it over!
"So-called peacekeepers are enemies of any revolutionary movement. If you try to control or de-escalate my rage you are decidedly not my comrade. Calls for nonviolence are delusional and can only come from a place of oblivious privilege. Tell me, what part of the material conditions of capitalism is nonviolent? If you think nonviolence is a feasible strategy for bringing down capitalism, check your fucking privilege.
"Fuck liberal reformism. Demand nothing, take everything!"
When we got to the part of nonviolence being ineffective and delusional, the person in charge of the microphone pulled the plug on the sound system and cut us off. Leaderless non-hierarchical movement my ass. Luckily a sympathetic by-stander offered their megaphone and we were able to finish speaking.
The person who spoke on the microphone before us said something along the lines of "this is a revolution that started in Egypt and is now sweeping the globe!" The Occupy Portland organizers conveniently forget that in Egypt, they actually fought the cops. Again and again, past movements are rewritten as nonviolent and nonconfrontational, and anyone who dares to draw clear lines in the sand with the cops on the other side is silenced and branded divisive and a threat to the movement.
We heard that the Mayor Sam fucking Adams attended the march. Let's be clear here: politicians are the enemy. Your "99%" category is meaningless and useless if it includes politicians and cops. Fuck your liberal reformism, fuck your dogmatic nonviolence, fuck your cops-in-training Peacekeepers, fuck your boring "occupation" (PS: it's not an occupation if you have a permit and you leave when the cops ask you to). We still stand by our original demands: Taquitos (vegan), burritos (not vegan),Rihanna, negation, total destroy, the head of every cop on a stick, same with rapists, Justin Timberlake n00ds, mo garbagio, srsly taquitos, Derrick Jensen's badger sweaters (12), Urban Scout, loljk Urban Scout is a joke, that fancy-ass dark chocolate with the almonds and sea salt, and dank bud.
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