Here are a number of reasons why one might feel compelled to get involved in the Occupy Britain movement.
In 2008 the global recession was felt worldwide, and although the media reported ‘recovery’ there has not actually been one, in fact, what has held off the, what appears to be an inevitable global financial collapse thus far, is a process called ‘quantitive easing’ and the selling off of national institutions, such as the NHS, with job losses, redundancies, cuts to vital services, school closures, unreasonable welfare reforms, increase in the cost of living, banking institutions requiring bail outs, and the tax payer footing the bill and paying for the mistakes of others.
People are now recognising that there is a split in fairness and equality, we see bankers bonuses increasing, media tycoons controlling and withholding information that they should be reporting, in the public interest, systemic corruption of our police force, politicians and quite possibly our prime ministers, the introduction of, an ever increasing amount of legislation and statutes to further restrict our ability to speak out against them.
Since 2010 there have been popular uprisings, manifesting throughout the world, with regular people standing up against: greed, tyranny, injustice, corruption, and especially financial institutions and government.
On Sept. 17, 2011, a group of people converged on the financial district of Wall Street, New York to make a visual statement and to occupy for as long as it takes to let people know just how frustrated they are with living in a world made for someone else, what became clear in the wake of this occupation was the apparent lack of coverage by mainstream media, the occupation has been persistent and extremely successful due to the non-violent, leaderless approach taken by the people, not only have they had to independently report their own cause, they have been subject to a level of violence by the NYPD for asserting their right to protest, females have been kettled and pepper sprayed, even though they visibly posed no threat to anyone,(clear video evidence available on YouTube) independent journalists have been targeted and arrested for filming such appalling behaviour, and throughout the occupation the people have had various confiscations of personal items that they intended to use, such as tarpaulin and tents.
Due of the lack of attention by the mainstream media, until recently, and the logged incidents of violence at the hands of the police, people are now starting to realise just how corrupt and unfair the system is, and are choosing to join the movement which is sweeping across America,(66 occupations in different cities and towns in the USA at the time of writing) Trade unions have teamed up in support of the Occupy Wall Street campaign and the numbers of people taking to the streets and campaigning online is immeasurable, let’s just say, it is phenomenal!

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