There can be no doubt that these times that we live in are now quite extraordinary. In every area of our existance, the world is in a state or flux. Changes take place near daily and in a world governed by the minute by 24 hour 'rolling' minute-news, these changes seem impossible to understand in the time alloted for us to make sense of them. The speed of these changes seem intimidating, and oppresive. As though a new world is coming to pass and within its infancy, is a new rule, a new way for us to live.
From the wars fought inside the new paradigm of states ranged against individuals, to the global rocking of a financial system now perpetually immmersed in peril. From the movements of politics through the science of tyranny, oppression, freedom and democratisation, and the inevitable collision between them, we can see, only just, the promise of a new strange life. We see these things not through the medium of our appointed caretakers, but through the medium of our own choosing. The computer screens in our living rooms, our bedrooms, our studies and our collective spaces.
And here within this new medium, is the chattering mass of a world in limbo, now urgently wanting to be free to wander purposefully as dignified human beings once again.
In one part it is the demands of a new enlightened social collective, fully adept at using this new medium. In another part it is those acting of fear and hesitancy to change their ways, but who are equally adept. In another part it is the polity-sanctioned of the world, paid for by the people, that having lost their way, now seek to find their way back to the old world in which they were much surer of themselves. In another part it is those who fight with arms, in order to take us back too far into the past. In another part it is the wanderers of the world, with no place else to go. In another part it is the enlightened, who feel and know that this world is changing, in league with an ancient mind. In every part, there is movement.
This movement travails many disciplines. From new age spiritualism, to political e-activism, from formaly sanctioned heirarchical movement of support bases in the pursuit of political diktat, to movements of its more competent equivalent, the great 'autonomy'. From slow, lumbering movements of single issue belligerants, to the fly-like movement of the worlds mobile disenchanted. The world is becoming united, around its differences.
And over the heads of all, are the deliberate minds of the leaders of the churches, leaders of men and oppressors of women, for all time. In these squats of God, the apostacy of men shivers.
There are many conclusions that we can make in the midst of this movement. For each and every one of us, linked by the flickering pixels of our tools, we are united. And that which has brought forward these tools, is unaware of the consequences of its work. The labour of its lust and motivations is that of money, not its end effect.
Right now, we are in an unelected defeat. We continue to see the world around us, as continuance of that which brought it into being. An old order remains with us. Despite its defeat, it remains.
So now our hearts and minds will step forward to impose themselves on that which could not tame them. In this defeat, the defeated must step forward, along with their accomplices and meet with the hearts and minds that were denied them. In this meeting, will come the world we seek. In this meeting, will come the great joint enterprise of our entrusted futures. Our divisions will become slight, and our memory will be overshadowed by that which drives us forward.
For each and every one of us, no matter what our views, no matter what our beliefs, will step collectively into this new age together, and that which divides us, will take its place in limbo, where it fully and properly belongs.
One year from now, this meeting will pass. And all of us the victors, will walk together as one.
Love & Peace to all.