At 6am on the morning of the 30 April 2008 three people entered the Waihopai Spy Base and used a sickle to deflate one of the two 30 metre domes covering satellite interception dishes.
They took such action because they felt compelled to non-violently respond to the Bush Administration’s admission that intelligence gathering is the most important tool of the ‘War on Terror’.
The ECHELON spy network, including Waihopai, is an important part of the US government’s global spy network.

On March 17th. 2010 the ploughshares were acquitted on all counts by a jury in Wellington, Aotearoa/ New Zealand

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Post- acquittal the New Zealand government launched a civil suit against the three ploughshares. In leadup to the initial HIgh Court Hearing on August 8th., the ploughshares held a week long anti-war event of prayer and fasting entitled "Enemy Love" in downtown Wellington.
PHOTOS from "Enemy Love"

Information about EnemyLove and the blog are at

8 August 2011 Below is a brief summary of the Waihopai Ploughshares hearing. After the court hearing, there was a final gathering of Enemy Love participants and supporters at St Andrews on The Terrace, and the fasters and friends enjoyed a feast.

Waihopai Ploughshares hearing today Peace Movement Aotearoa 8 August 2011
After a full day of hearings in the High Court in Wellington , the judge reserved the decision in the application for summary judgement brought by the Crown against the three Waihopai Ploughshares - Adi Leason, Peter Murnane and Sam Land.
The prosecuting lawyer presented the Crown's arguments this morning as to why the Waihopai Ploughshares should pay $1.2 million for damage to the Waihopai spy base dome and the cost of food and drink for the workers repairing the dome.
There was a strong sense when listening to the Crown lawyer that the government is essentially trying to re-run their arguments, having failed to get a "guilty" verdict in the trial last year. Indeed, the Crown lawyer referred to the defendants as "criminals" several times during his submissions! A label rapidly disposed of when the defence lawyers had the chance to speak by pointing to the fact of their acquittal in 2010.
The arguments put forward by the defence lawyers were based in part on an 'ex turpe causa' defence (no-one can sue if they are operating from a dishonest foundation) and in part on "defence of another" (carrying out an action to save life).
In their submissions, the defence lawyers raised questions about the legality of the existence and operation of the Waihopai spy base, including the fact that it apparently didn't have resource consent and is operating in breach of local government regulations. As well, evidence was presented about the appalling level of human suffering caused by bombing and missile attacks based on "evidence" from "signals intelligence" (such as the communications intercepted at the base), which have resulted in countless civilian casualties, particularly in the US government-led wars on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.
It was a very powerful recital of all that is harmful about war, the reliance on "signals intelligence" for targeting, and the New Zealand government's complicity in both.
The decision for the judge now to make is essentially whether or not the defence has a case - if yes, then the matter will proceed to trial; if not, then he may award summary judgement (damages) against the defendants. The decision is expected in two to three weeks.