of forcefeeding of geese which results in pate de
foie gras. Please boycott all restaurants serving foie gras, veal (baby
calf), lamb (baby sheep)

France: Condemnation of French pate de foie gras by
Muslim writer

Australia: Facebook's mouse decapitator sentenced while lab
researchers who decapitate billions of lab mice still free

Israel, US harming wildlife while imposing fences
on Palestine and Mexico

In addition, the Texas government has put a 36 state
nuclear waste dump right on the Mexican border
India bans harming of bulls in fights etc.

Italy, Milan: UK, London: China: Rabbit Killers in China, UK and
Milan Italy
as Financial Times mongers fur while George Armani divides the lots of rabbits amongst his materialistic clients

Russia: Moscow Olympics bear now caged in bus in St Petersburg

Slovakia: Bratislava: Animal rights movement growing

England: stop the badger murder

[b]Norway: British singer gets response in saying fast food
chain murder is worse than the Norwegian killings of

(Norway is one of the 5 whale murdering nations)
[b]Worldwide: Canned hunts in which captive animals are confined behind fences while the trophy seeking rich
shoot at them (shooting fish in a barrel)[/b]

[b]South Africa: High court rules in favor of rich trophy seekers & against animals[/b]

[b]US: At least 5 of the Republican US presidential candidates
(Sarah Palin, Chris Christie, Jon Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty, Pataki) have worked
for either aerial hunting, canned hunts, and/or
the expansion of mammals on the list of those hunters
may murder.

6 illegal wars which kill animals)
[b]Ukraine to ban the forced feeding of alcohol to bears[/b]

[b]China orders seizure and murder of 30,000 PET DOGS in Jiangmen,
based on questionable rabies reports.[/b]

Is the government which encourages dogeating attempting
to quell the growing practice of dogs as pets?
[b]Canada: KFC to offer vegetarian simulated chicken in
Canada only[/b]. Like McDonald's, KFC doesn't offer its
vegetarian dishes systemwide. KFC is part of the
world's largest restaurant conglomerate, Yum Foods of

[b]US: What do lobsters kidnapped by Red Lobster and
chickens kidnapped by KFC have in common? The lobsters
are dropped alive into boiling water while the chicken
below and millions of others are scalded alive in KFC
defeathering tanks.[/b]

*Red Lobster has refused to boycott Canadian sealclubbing fishermen
because it like the fishermen objects to seals eating lobsters it
wishes to steal from the ocean floor
[b]UK: 3 Frankenstein colleges have been making human animal hybrids. They are
King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University[/b]

Figures seen by the Daily Mail show that 155 ‘admixed’ embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, have been created since the introduction of the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act.
The Three labs in the UK were granted licences to carry out the research after the Act came into force.
[b]South Korea: Korean animal rights activist protests
cause cancellation of a dog meat festival[/b]

[b]Latvia and UK:
Latvian Animal rights activists protest outside the British embassy in Riga against the use of bear skin used to make hats worn by the British army's household regiment.[/b] (In addition the fur of ermine trapped with greased traps to which their tongues freeze is still used in some British court circles)

Albania has no animal protection law. This petition asks the parliament to pass animal rights law.[/b]

[b]Burma: video of animal rights abuse[/b]

[b]Venezuela: bullfighting[/b]

[b]Brazil: mass destruction of animal habitat[/b]

[b]Australian authorities murder another kangaroo...
this time not because he is one of the 6 million slaughtered annualy for their flesh and skin
but because the authorities are human chauvinist
control freaks... and the Courier Mail is also[/b]

[b]China and US: Illinois based McDonald's, the world's
biggest mammal killer, union buster, a major cause of global heating, wishes to expand its cow murder in China (itself deforested from millenia of tree killing)
... with its concomitant animal agony, human disease, environmental destruction. [/b]

[b]Iran: treatment of dogs[/b]

[b]Israel: 2 horses die in 1 horse race[/b]

[b]UK: 4 Ways The Financial Times kills animals[/b]
1. shilling for war whose bombs kill animals as well as
2. deforesting in printing its capitalism promotions
on dead trees destroys animal habitat
while the treefelling
smashes birds and squirrels
3. paying a columnist who regularly mongers fur
4. promotions of animal flesh and dairy stocks
[b]Kenya: takes the lead in discouraging elephant murderers poaching for ivory[/b]

Joyce Poole paraphrased: Between 1979 and 1989 in Africa 500,000 elephants were murdered for their ivory
[b]China: with Japan leading purchasers of illegal ivory and turtle shell[/b]
[b]US: Roosters slaughtered for feathers[/b]

[b]Nepal: Nepalese animal rights activists demand end to hunting[/b]

[b]US: how will animals vote in the 2012 presidential election[/b]

[b]Germany: Researchers add to data obvious to many that fish feel pain[/b]

[b]US: Actor Harrison Ford is shilling for the animal agony,
human disease and ecological waste inherent in the
dairy industry... as he follows 911 operative Rudy Giuliani in promoting obesity engendering cows' milk (designed to
produce a 1000 lb animal in a few months while the
baby calves are ripped from their mothers and slaughtered for Italian restaurant veal).

hormones to prostate, breast, uterine, cervical and ovarian cancer. However the money dominated World Bank
would not allow this.[/b]
[b]US: University of ILlinois, Oklahoma State University, Baylor are
some of the universities sending ciseased dead lab animal carcasses to
'rendering' plants to be put into pet food.[/b]

[b]Poland: Marches against animal cruelty have been held
recently inGdansk, Lublin, Poznan, Kalisz, Torun and
Olsztyn. [/b]
US: New York City's Channel 11 WPIX is shilling fur through Debra Alfarone[/b]
[b]Worldwide: Human chauvinism is legislated in many
countries. [/b]
a. Animals are in some legal systems defined not as living beings with rights but
b. If a human bites another human, he is not killed but animals sometimes are.
c. In some US states fruit juice and pet food are taxed, while animal flesh and
stolen cows' milk are not. But many animal rights law firms have been
springing up for decades. One such is

[b]France: Institut Pasteur has been torturing mice in studying opiorphin[/b]

[b]Japan: a. Japanese police practice for protests by those who object to Japanese dolphin murder[/b]

animal habitat by requiring nonrecycled paper in some copiers
c. Japanese buyers keep a market going for elephant ivory and turtleshell murder
d. Japanese notorious whale murder
[b]Canada: Horse slaughterhouses come under fire[/b]

Worldwide: boycotting restaurants which sell the products of forcefeeding geese (pate) or the flesh of calves (veal)as well as all national fast food chains serving and advertising animal flesh[/b]

[b]US: news of bear baiters in Virginia[/b]

[b]Germany: Activists have burnt down a factory farm under construction[/b]

(Those who believe in universal nonviolence do not condone setting fires which
kill small rodents, nesting birds, reptiles, insects)
[b]UK: Police investigate mass cruelty at Essex abbatoir[/b]

[b]Spain: Shortly after the Spanish govt. declared the sadistic taunting and murder of bulls an art form, a man who was drunk taunted a bull and was gored to death.[/b]

(Can the seals organize against Harper or the foxes against Cameron or the pigs against Zemin or the geese against Sarkozy or the primates against Obama?)
[b]Indonesia: Torture of
slaughterhouse cows
continues to cause

[b]Uganda, Somalia: Animals as well as people die of drought, of thirst and heat[/b]

[b]Colombia: graphic protests by hundreds against bullfighter barbarism[/b]

[b]Worldwide:[/b] Bulldozers which smash down trees are also
smashing the birds and squirrels in the trees.
[b]Kenya: Wildlife officials murder rhino poacher.
He could have been stopped without murder.[/b]

Scotland: Bowing to the fish suffocation industry,
the Scottish govt. impounds Paul Watson's boat[/b]

[b]Europe: Europol's defense of butchers and
vivisectors is cheered
by cow abusing dairy

[b]Romania: govt. cruelty toward stray dogs[/b]

[b]Russia: 84% of Russia's
fur farms have gone out
of business.. as the
world demand plummets[/b]

[b]Sweden: animal rights law grows stronger[/b]

Worldwide: Any pavement which is too hot for human bare
feet is also too hot for the pads of dogs and cats
Animals need water, preferably with ice cubes,
fans, and other protection from the record breaking
heat caused worldwide by tree destruction.
Livestock animals are dying around the world in the heat. Once again
all see that the cattle, sheep ranchers of Australia, New
Zealand, Chile, Argentina, the US, the UK, Canada etc.
don't care for the animals, and abandon them
[b]Chinese abuse of turtles and fishes[/b]

[b]India: stop dog racing before it starts[/b]

[b]Uganda, Somalia: Animals as well as people die of drought, of thirst and heat[/b]

[b]Colombia: graphic protests by hundreds against bullfighter barbarism[/b]

[b]Official Govt. Involvement In Animal Murder[/b]
Every country in the world has people in it killing animals. But not every country has governments which subsidize and encourage animal slaughter. Some who do include
1. the European Union promotes foods causing animal agony, disease,and global heating

2. Australia: official promotion of the slaughter annually of millions of kangaroos, sheep, cows.
3 Canada: official subsidies for seal clubbing and
official promotions of bear murder
4 Iceland: officially involved in whale murder

5. Japan: official subsidies for whale slaughter
and police defense of dolphin killers
6. New Zealand: official promotion of slaughter of sheep
and cows.
7. Norway: officially involved in whale murder
8 S Africa: promotes the slaughter of animals by
rich trophy seeking hunters.
9. Spain: Govt.
supports bullfight barbarism

10. UK animal product
US: official subsidies for animal research, for
grazing of slaughter bound animals on public land,
for milk subsidies, food stamps to buy animal and
fish flesh and dairy etc.
12 France: official promotion of pate de foie gras by
trade minister
[b]Australia's brutal
live shipment of cows
and sheep continues
to the Mideast and Indonesia, involving
several million animals
a year[/b] while creating
historymaking drought at

[b]US: Suffocaters of mice through sale of glue traps include
Amazon, Lowe's, Home Depot [/b]

Ask the Guardian to stop listing sites attacking animal rights activists.