"Vaccines" are developed by killing captive animals. The World Health Organization's 'smallpox vaccine' spread AIDS throughout Africa. (See London Times Science
Editor P Wright May 1987) Now Bill Gates' 'vaccines' are being administered at gunpoint
while Gates along with others who are billionaires through theft.... meet together to discuss
July 22, 2011
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131 African Children Vaccinated at Gunpoint – Do Bill Gates and Paul Offit Approve?
by Ginger Taylor
Adventures in Autism
The Malawi Voice is reporting that a group of families who took their children out of the country, to Mozambique, to avoid the free measles vaccine that was being distributed, were rounded up by police and vaccinated at gunpoint upon returning to the country.
The vaccine safety/choice community has been hearing reports of this happening in Africa for more than a year now, but this is the first official story that I have heard thus far and thus been able to report. In this case the District Health Officer himself, Dr. Matchaya, freely admitted to the newspaper that this was done.
“According to Dr. Medison Matchaya District Health Officer for Nsanje, medics went to vaccinate the children in Nsanje under police escort.
“We were alerted that some children who were hiding in Mozambique were back in the country and we asked police to escort the health officials in order to vaccinate them and we have managed to vaccinate about 131 children,” said Matchaya.
This week, Bill Gates, working on another round of publicity for his “Year of the Vaccines” campaign (which just happens to fall on the year that he became an owner of a vaccine company, funny that) has declared at the GAVI meeting that the world needs to work toward “vaccine equity”. He wants every child on the planet vaccinated. (Which in my book only matters when he is of course elected King of the World, which he hasn’t been. Gates is not even a doctor, but just some guy who dropped out of college and made a bunch of cash on his buggy software via pushy business practices. I am more qualified to give medical advice than Gates is.)