Great attack from comrades in Nottingham and well communicated. (Fuck G4S) | 24.06.2011 10:55
Last night shortly after 11pm a G4 security guard was followed home from his local pub and before he reached his door was quickly beaten. Later that night two G4S vehicles had their windows smashed and exhaust pipes destroyed using expanding foam.
We carried out this attack knowing full well that there would be those who would criticize it for being the work of thugs out for cheap thrills. And we knew there would be others that would state that the attack of individual workers is ineffective and a poor choice of a target. To this we say, everyday G4S guards play their role in the institutional violence carried out against prisoners around the world, occasionally a story creeps out that this guard or that guard got carried away and a prisoner has ended up in hospital or has been murdered. But these stories are not exceptional, the beatings and the violence are the way of life of G4S guard, it is their role in this sick society. We acknowledge the systematic effects that mean working class men and women wish to find work which is stable, secure and financially rewarding, we merely wish to encourage the idea that working for G4S is the work of a mercenary. That in choosing to work for G4S you are choosing to be on the side of the racist, patriarchal system which in the end benefits only those from the elite governing classes. The guard who was attacked last night knows where we stand, as he was given a copy of this message, hopefully he'll pass it along to his colleagues.
The two vehicles were attacked, because we are filled with hatred for G4S and everything they do, we know it's not the G4S staff who are solely to blame, but the giant corporation which profits from the imprisonment, torture and murder of our brothers and sisters.
We remember Jimmy Mubenga the an Angolan man murdered by G4S.
This action is in solidarity with all who resist the way the things are, including the anti-fascist's currently being oppressed in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia. (Fuck G4S)
Hide the following 16 comments
24.06.2011 22:49
Eamon O'Tep
25.06.2011 01:15
property, not people
25.06.2011 07:46
Good work on the vehicles, by all means trash the structure but many G4S employees are employed as 'drivers'. You don't change minds by beating them up. You make them angry and they vent their anger on the perceived cause - their detainees.
disgusting shits
25.06.2011 09:23
no borders
Solidarity from Greece!
25.06.2011 09:29
Fire to the prisons!
Which guideline?
25.06.2011 10:21
4. Publicize or advocate actions that actively endanger human or animal safety
Notts IMC mod
more disinformation?
25.06.2011 10:22
I doubt that this attack really took place. On the other hand, if it did, and was the work of genuine comrades, those who did it should think carefully. Was the G4S worker you attacked someone you had identified as a detention centre or prison guard? Was it perhaps a guard who had been identified by prisoners for brutality? Maybe it was one of the G4S workers recently caught bragging about their deportation flight exploits on Facebook? Or was it just a random person in a G4S uniform you spotted on their own in a vulnerable location? G4S is one of the world's biggest security companies and employs tens of thousands of people in many kinds of jobs. Most of them have nothing to do with locking people up. Many of them are low paid immigrant workers. Many probably know nothing about the company's detention business. Would you also beat cleaners working for Serco, or Tesco shelf-stackers?
There is a history of militant attacks in support of migration struggles. You might want to read about the actions of groups such as the Revolutionary Cells and Rote Zora (Germany) or RARA (Holland), some of whom did target managers, senior officials and other individuals personally implicated in repression and exploitation. Targeting low-ranking individual workers was never a part of such strategies. Please spend some time thinking about why.
Why bother replying to what is almost certainly a troll attack? Because just in case it isn't, you seem to be comrades who have rage and courage. With a bit more thought and analysis your energy could be directed much more powerfully.
25.06.2011 12:02
Even if it did, a check of the G4S website, and articles on the subject of employee safety show that employees of security firms commonly get attacked, not generally for political reasons, but by your average criminals. So if this employee really was attacked, maybe it was thought to be just one more assault by criminal scum. G4S is involved in a variety of types of security work, as a previous poster said, not just deportations. One of the things they do is transport convicted criminals between police stations, court buildings, and jails.
Whether the criminal justice system is a legitimate is a whole other topic which I'm not going to go into here. But the work done by G4S in general means the company and its employees are not going to be popular in several quarters and there may be a range of people who want to have a go at them. That means any attacks done for political reasons would have to be carefully targetted and planned and properly publicised so there is no mistake as to the cause.
Also, individual ordinary employees are a soft target and not a legitimate one. Who has never ever compromised in the work they have taken on to get a living? Political activists might have limits as to what they'll take on to earn a wage but everybody makes compromises.
Attacking equipment like vans is something else. I wasn't entirely unhappy when vans used by staff at Dallas Court (UKBA building in Salford) were damaged some months back. But I don't see this kind of action, however satisfactory to take part in, or read about, as being likely to have much impact in stopping deportations. If you are aiming to get G4S to give up its deportation work, it will take a much bigger, more imaginative and far-reaching campaign. It is also likely to need mainstream media coverage. And then, once they've pulled out of doing deportation work, another company will take up the contract. And they will be more careful where they park their vans!
You know what? If the real intention is to save people from the distress of being forcibly deported, you would achieve a lot more by campaigning for the asylum system to be extended and made fairer and easier to negotiate, with adequate time allowed for people to put their cases together and an adequate - and properly funded by legal aid - right of appeal. No, it won't get you as much kudos as trashing G4S vans. And it is long, tedious work. But you might actually achieve something.
Re the Indymedia guideline
25.06.2011 12:23
What if this attack had taken place inside an immigration prison? What if the people who did it were ex-detainees, or family members of deportees? Is the action or the article acceptable in any of the above instances? If so, aren't we making some real assumptions about those involved in the action?
I wouldn't personally opt for such a tactic for a variety of reasons. However, we shouldn't pass so much judgement as to censor action reports until we have experienced the true realities of social control for ourselves.The vast majority of activists have only a limited understanding of how many lives have been destroyed by the hidden world of the European border regime.
not a UK guideline
25.06.2011 14:12
not a mod
Review of Nottingham IMC Guidelines Recommended
25.06.2011 15:02
Armed struggle and attacks against persons that perpetuate the exploitative system we fight against is a valid and in my opinion a necessary political choice. It is also the necessary choice for millions of people across the globe.
This moralistic, pacifistic positioning of some activists in the West is counter-revolutionary and deeply disturbing. Moreover, it is disingenuous to put human and animal safety in the same sentence. The human animal, although they may feel forced into certain jobs due to financial and class considerations, still have a choice NOT to work for scum like G4S. The masters cannot keep us enslaved unless we let them.
Fuck activism... Let's arm ourselves.
Yes - the guideline is strange...
25.06.2011 18:30
Notts IMC mod
bad action
25.06.2011 19:02
Are you lot suddenly going to step in and escort these dangerous people to the prisons?
Because if you are not, then I am seriously very concerned about who will if not these security personal?
This is a very important question that needs addressing before any more action is done.
One more murderer on the street is one more innocent victim killed - which will be blood on your hands.
common sense
i wish
25.06.2011 23:27
joe blogs
proof that this happened?
26.06.2011 00:57
Coming so soon after the bullshit disinfo being posted on London IMC recently (now hidden as innaccurate), and on the same theme (migration/NB activism) it seems very suspicious.
If it did happen, and you just attacked a G4S guard at random without knowing anything about them, then that is a shit action. Really. If you'd targetted someone personally known for racist or brutal behaviour, I might support that. Certainly I'd understand it. But a random attack? That's shitty.
But like I said, I'm not convinced the report is even genuine.
"i'm assuming the G4$ worker was a hard bastard"
27.06.2011 17:33
I'm assuming they were an overweight doughnut-muncher who was rejected by the police and has an unusual fetish for gun magazines!
Stereotyping, I know, but funny. ;-)