He states that: movement happen regularly, in different places and contests. But, we are losing a lot since the 90s and that. We can not afford new loses. Challenge is realising this is the end of a political Class far away from our experience of living: we can afford not more loses and we all know, as they do; they do not know the way out and they are imposing us new loses
The 15 M movement is doing well. Every one clam irritation in a contest confuse, where, Tribunal Constitutional (TS) has clams irritation. As always the scenario turns; the dream of Robin wood is becoming less attractive and disturbing, because of some. Uncontrolled were provokers and aggressive. That happened, we do not know what is happening; but my old hippy, estates that: We have to work to cope with or at least, empower links, with is improving.
My son works hard; but, as happened to Casandra, he can not associate readers in his group web: