Lars Von Trier apologized, much later, although it's not clear whether this has to do with his real beliefs or whether he just wanted to try and rescue his career. Whether Lars Von Trier is a "real" Nazi or not, he deserves total contempt if "only" for the grotesque insensitivity he's shown to all victims of Nazism; but, not content with insulting the memory of the tens of millions of people imprisoned, tortured and murdered by Nazis, and all victims of modern race-violence and Nazi terrorism, the stupid bastard went on to insult all Danes by pleading "I do not think the international journalists understand my Danish humor".
Lars Von Trier's e-mail address is
His assistant is Emilie Spliid Clausen -
His business partner is Peter Aalbaek Jensen
Jensen's assistant is Nina Rostock -
Please do NOT insult or condemn Lars Von Trier's business associates for Von Trier's statements, but please do ask them to STOP working with him immediately. Use e-mail providers that don't reveal IP addresses and use IP shielding. If you want to support good Danish film-making, rent Flame and Citron, which is a film about killing Nazis -
Hide the following 14 comments
out of proportion
20.05.2011 13:52
I'm totally against fascism and as such I'd encourage people to focus on the real fascists that abound here and abroad. It's a waste of time and energy to target someone like Von Trier, who is not a Nazi sympathiser at all - I can't imagine a Nazi making 'Manderlay' - just a maverick film-maker with a childish and wayward sense of humour (which isn't typical of Danish humour of course).
Thunk harder
20.05.2011 14:47
Real Nazis genuinely believe their ideas are best for society. Scum like Lars Von Trier KNOW that Nazism is evil, but they make statements like this just to get some cheap publicity and because they don't give a fuck about the victims they insult. Who's worse, morally speaking? In this sense, maybe people like Lars Von Trier are even worse than the real Nazis?
20.05.2011 15:01
You idiot
21.05.2011 00:51
No, moron, we call him a Nazi not because of what he said about Israel, but because he said (Lars Von Trier's own exact words) "I am a Nazi", you stupid fucking ignorant wanker
And no he isn't Europe's greatest living film director
You Tube
21.05.2011 00:53
A. People who hate Stalinism, and all Stalin's victims
Nice try jackass
Zionist bacteria
21.05.2011 01:00
Was he telling us something?
21.05.2011 08:54
David Bowie, Brian Ferry, Prince Harry, Prince Phillip, these are some people who back Nazi ideas. According to
The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor
by Scott Thompson
Printed in The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
'One of the biggest public relations hoaxes ever perpetrated by the British Crown, is that King Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in 1938, due to his support for the Nazis, was a ``black sheep,'' an aberration in an otherwise unblemished Windsor line. Nothing could be further from the truth. The British monarchy, and the City of London's leading Crown bankers, enthusiastically backed Hitler and the Nazis, bankrolled the Führer's election, and did everything possible to build the Nazi war machine, for Britain's planned geopolitical war between Germany and Russia.
Support for Nazi-style genocide has always been at the heart of House of Windsor policy, and long after the abdication of Edward VIII, the Merry Windsors maintained their direct Nazi links.
So, when Prince Philip, co-founder with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), tells an interviewer that he hopes to be ``reincarnated as a deadly virus'' to help solve the ``population problem,'' he is just ``doin' what comes naturally'' for any scion of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy (see page 8 for more quotes from Prince Philip).'
As a celebrated film director Lars would have come across members of the elite who are sympathetic to Nazism and who would want him to take on some of these views.
He could not come out and say "Your leaders back Nazi ideas". So, was his nonsense a clumsy attempt to warn us? And was the film festival decision to ban him an attempt to shut him up so he doesn't talk about this?
e-mail: @SimonDubois2
Naive comments
21.05.2011 09:40
Ironically Grundgens' son sued to have the novel Mephisto surpressed, successfully attacking Klaus Mann's right to free speech, although when the novel was later republished unsurprisingly none of the Nazi apologists had the courage to try and stop itündgens
You're still a jackass
21.05.2011 13:46
You're an idiot. Your arguments are nonsense. You don't even know what the word "hypocrisy" means
Don't take it personally
21.05.2011 15:46
How outrageous is that?
We are discussing a principle, not your private life dear. Do try and keep up now.
No shit Sherlock
22.05.2011 01:01
As for the genius in question, maybe you do wish you could call someone rude names, but at the moment you can't even manage a coherent response to the fact that you didn't know what the word "hypocrisy" means. And if you choose to make excuses for someone who says, quote, "I am a Nazi", expect to be called rude names
True Colors
22.05.2011 01:09
A Jew
Its time to forgive and forget WW2
22.05.2011 09:05
When chamberlin did a "peace" deal with hitler in 1938, the text of that agreement was that britian would never go to war with germany. Hitler was always convinced we would side with him in their war with stalin. King Edward VIII was part of the House of Hanover, cousin of kasier wilhelm.
Denmark buildings got lucky escape from ww2 amagedon, compared to eastern Europe, so their memories of the war isnt so bad. Most of their jews fled over the border to "neutral" Sweden, so I dont think you can critise them for the death camps. The fascist work camps & slave labour camps were of course an outrage.
What the fuck?
23.05.2011 08:31
Lars von Triage