As part of the National Week of Action Against Atos Origin we are calling for a virtual protest to be held across the world!

In the run up to the week of action please show your support by sharing the facebook group, blogging, tweeting, writing to local newspapers and helping to ensure that all events around the country directed at Atos are successful. Details of all events and protests can be found at:

Please also share this page and let’s make our disgust at these poverty pimps heard across the world.
Then during the week itself let’s make sure Atos Origin know exactly how we feel by contacting them, complaining and exposing their grubby money making scheme which has already led to suicides.
Atos have several facebook pages which can be found at:

They can be found on twitter at: @AtosOriginBlog, @Atos_Origin, @AtosOrigin_News or search for more Atos twitter feeds:

Atos press office can be reached on: Tel : +44 20 7830 4233 or the UK Press Officer is at:

You can even ring one of the secret numbers for Atos handily published by the DWP:

They even have a blog up (currently accepting comments) at:

And there are more contact details at:

The Chief Executive of ATOS Origin is Keith Wilman:

Atos will be recruiting at both the BMJ and RCN job fairs in London in September. Why not contact them both and let them know how you feel about them making money out of this company.
A protest has been called outside the BMJ Recruitment Fair on 29th September:

Meanwhile contact details for the BMJ can be found at:

The RCN can be contacted at:

Finally why not contact the DWP’s press office and complain about private sharks like Atos Origin making decisions on people’s ability to work
According to their website: The DWP London Press Office only handles calls from the national media and can be contacted on 020 3267 5144.
A duty press officer is on call as part of an after-hours service for journalists only. Please contact 076 59 108 883.
Remember folks, citizen journalists only are permitted to call :)

The Virtual Gherkin and @VirtualResistan on twitter will also be supporting the Week of Action as well as the UKDPC Hardest Hit March in Central London on May 11th, more info at:

The Armchair Army have also supported virtual protests against benefit cuts: