As the backlash against the decision by the US President not to verify or confirm the statements he made at the weekend when announcing the death of alleged US agent Osama Bin Laden, Pakistan has now issued a formal statement to the United States that it will not tolerate any further incursions onto its territory to kill and execute supposed terrorist suspects the United States claims it is engaged with fighting in defence of its national security.
Pakistan is claiming that it is acting to secure and preserve its sovereignty which it is required to do under international law.
Pakistan is the recipient of around $10.554Billion in aid, assistance and benefits from the US government since 2001 in return for its assistance in the US waged so-called "War on Terror" and now looks set to be faced with the loss or reduction of that aid package, signalling that the episodal relationship between the United States and Pakistan is approaching an end.
The images do not include any image of a known operative proscribed by the United States. The images do not confirm that any person in the images is armed or in possession of weapons.
Each image contained here appears to show large loss of blood from wounds at the back of the victims either at chest height or at head height.
In one image, there appears to be a child's toy gun appearing from over the right shoulder of the victim, indicating that children were present, or recently present in the building.
Each of the images depict what appears to be Pakistani nationality males (by dress) between the ages of 25 and 45.
Two of the images contain datestamps* at the bottom of the images demarked as 2nd may 2011 at 02:30 and 02:39 (PM or AM unknown). note.
There is also an image of what appears to be burned wreckage of an aircraft in the courtyard of the building with smoke damage appearing on the ground and walls of the yard.
*It should be noted that datestamps on digital images can be routinely incorrect or incorrectly set by the user.
Pakistan warns America not to stage any more raids
Associated Press (US). May 5th 14:31 PM GMT

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