People, if you haven't already, you need to 'wake the fuck up', dust of your poll-tax riot face mask or balaclava, get together with ya mates and fight like bastards because time is clearly running out...
Dont get me wrong, charlie and his missis probably aren't into violence - they're the love police for crying out loud, and a grand job they do as well - and therefore I am not trying to take anything away from the great work he and his crew do...But I'l tell you something for whatever it's worth - I'm fucking violent and I'm fucking proud of it, as my violence is that of revolutionary rage and intent, anger at the new world order and complete and utter determination to see the police infrastructure and the establishment it props up BURN TO THE FUCKING GROUND! I'm talking about property destruction, ok, so dont troll me about 'innocent passers by' like usual.....
wake the fuck up people, because the insurrection is coming and those that are willing and able need to get willing and able right fucking now, otherwise it will literally be too late.
I dont want to be alarmist, but how can you watch the above linked videos and not feel fear and anger and hatred for the system (particularly the pig-thugs arresting the dude in soho square) and how can anyone who calls themself a 'revolutionary' not want to burn the whole rotten system down to the fucking ground?
What defence is there for a system like this? That it keeps your lights on and your mortgage safe? That you need your valium on prescription? That you need your bin emptying?
For fucks sake people, those two videos - not to even mention thousands of others over the decades - are showing us exactly how the state intends to model the future world order! What justification could there possibly be for defending it?
smashing it can only be the solution now, fuck trying to harness public opinion about violence against property. With so much poison in the water, in the air and in the food, on the tele and radio and in the massmedia, the 'public' doesn't know its arse from its elbow...(which, sadly, includes alot of my loved ones and friends)
It's time for a great big fucking battle, insurrection, civil war, whatever you wanna call it......for time is surely running out, for us, the planet and all around...
solidarity to the charlies and 'dudes in soho square' of the world, because their oppression is my inspiration and call to arms........
Hide the following 23 comments
No, this is really very weak indeed.
04.05.2011 02:31
I may be very cynical or just have seen far to much (Brazil 1998, Mexico 2003 and Columbia 2005) but you have just allowed these fools to walk all over you.
This isn't really about a police state, this is about miserably inadaquate so-called peripheral-to-the-scene activists setting themselves up to be abused by the police just so they can bleat about it. I have seen this motley crew before (the man in the first video) and his style of activism could not be anymore inadequate and futile.
Why do you think this is acceptable?
I once saw three police officers abroad set upon by a crowd, one of them was kicked to death in the street. It took 6 or 7 minutes from start to finish! At the end the guy had shit himself and he was covered in his own vomit. Why did this awful thing happen? Because two of the officers had raped a teenage girl and then arrested and killed the girls father when he found out.
The locals had waited several months and then lured the officers into a small square. It was an ambush. Two of the officers got out of the square but one of them was shot and killed on his way out. The officer that had died in the square had his penis cut off and shoved in his mouth.
That's a police state. The people who live in that police state act accordingly.
I don't think its sensible to be offering sympathy to you. For crying out loud in the first video the women opens the door to the police officer and asks him if its ok for her to film him, while she's standing in her own sodding house!!!
I am absolutely stunned that your angry about this. I really am.
Take it from me. Indymedia really isn't for you. Your only going to be a draining influence at a time when we need our energy.
Charlie Veitch is a self serving egotistic ass..
04.05.2011 07:36
Charlie Veitch on CNN 1/4/11
04.05.2011 09:31
The police were obliged to get involved once he made these statements?
save as many sheeple as you can
04.05.2011 09:45
but. aye you guys are right - he is worth 'keeping an eye on'
black is not a colour
richard and judy anarchism
04.05.2011 10:47
tosser in dark sunglasssses
04.05.2011 11:09
I wouldn't be surprised if this cunt gets targeted by mi5 tbh.
bobby g
Come On You Lot, ???
04.05.2011 12:47
Are you for real? They are the love police, they use humour, irony, sarcasm, INTELLECTUAL TACTICS, knowledge is power and the love police know that and use it brilliantly. the fact charlie has never been convicted but arrested many times for his 'thought crimes' should prove that what he does is actually bang on...but dont worry, go back to work or carrying on shopping, everything's ok........EVERYTHING IS OK.....
PS i dont actually know charlie but i reckon i could get a far more interesting and 'deeper' conversation out of him than most of the punters on the street or even most of the wallies using IM thesedays - no offence to any of you, but all you've done is slag a man off for getting arrested having committed no crime whatsoever......who's side are you actually on and are any of you gateway.303 users??
I wonder..........
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More,
I wonder.......... if......
04.05.2011 12:56
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More is Charlie himself?!
If not please refrain from calling yourself an anarchist you Tit.
o please...
04.05.2011 13:30
If he has no crim record he's pretty much set up for a big payout, maybe 10k or more. Meanwhile everyday less fortunate souls than him are assaulted, banged up and treated like shit by the cops in this land simply for being poor and desperate, and they were not given airtime on CNN to call for shock and awe destruction, and none writes hysterical articles about them on indymedia.
I agree (somewhat)!
04.05.2011 16:09
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, I think most of us have been arrested and taken away in a police van for doing nothing illegal. I have successfully sued and so have many others for this. It really isn't that much of a big deal to most of us, although it is annoying and disruptive. Although I feel a little bad for admitting it I did kinda' laugh at Charlie's girlfriend taking it all so badly in the vid, but maybe she's new to all of this? Anyway as has been said we are a lot better off than most people in custody illegally who have no support and no idea of their rights.
On the other hand I share the general frustration you have. I would suggest you look into the animal liberation movement (waits to be attacked for daring to mention AR) in the 80's for a model of UK activism which caused significant property damage without killing anyone. Covert direct action is often more secure than a riot and can be done with far less people (even alone).
Action, Not Words
i know what you are all saying,
04.05.2011 17:25
no offence, but you are dissing me for being angry at cops, i mentioned thousands of examples of fascism, not just one, CV's arrest merely made me write the above to call for war, not suing the pigs. i was deterred from suing the police because i have a crippling post traumatic fucking stress for being intimidated and fucked over so much, just being around cops makes me shit myself unless im in a black block with a tool in my hand. i wish i came from the background some of you did, then maybe suing the police for all the wrong doing they've caused me would be the best solution, but if you read my article, im calling for war as the best solution now. fuck the money, i dont have aspirations for money, just conflict.......
get me?
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More,
@ Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist
04.05.2011 17:38
If you read my post I mostly agreed with you about stuff and have practical ideas too. Please have a re-read.
Action, Not Words
Big shtoopit eeejit got himself lifted...
04.05.2011 18:52
So fuck him!
Owen Folt
SFO is a agent provocateur
04.05.2011 20:26
A real anarchist
Focus on fighting the cuts
04.05.2011 20:46
CV posted a video on You Tube saying the reason he'd not been arrested was down to "occult" forces, presumably equivalent to good Karma, shortly before he was.... arrested. Oh well. I'm sure CV means well and he's a nice guy, but his lapse into occultist reasoning was so pathetic it's hardly surprising he didn't realise he was setting himself up for a fall - CV is definitely not the sharpest of cards
Sun Tzu
@ a real anarchist
04.05.2011 22:25
seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More,
I think "seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More"
05.05.2011 07:42
gateway.303 style cops seemingly at it again
05.05.2011 10:16
im a committed revolutionary, have been for over a decade, with tons of positive and not just 'action'-style expereince under my belt.
whereas you and your gateway 303 style cronies only seem to be good at trolling articles about violence and letting rip at the authors.
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More,
Seriously Fucked Off Anarchist, Not Going To Take Much More,.....
05.05.2011 11:16
my my you are an experienced revolutionary hardman..
Trolling Beware
05.05.2011 12:09
05.05.2011 16:46
another one
07.05.2011 10:34
I would also say that you are completely deluded if you think that everything is going to get burnt to the ground. Deluded to the point that you obviously have no grasp of reality.
And the idea that anyone who disagrees with you is to be labeled as a Gateway 303, just confirms that you are living in a tiny bubble based upon those delusions and do not have the mental ability to comprehend what other people feel or think, rather just go into a tantrum of spittle blowing and denial. Those are classic signs of autism.
anon II
What a plank
07.05.2011 23:35
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