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With meltdowns in at least three reactors and at least one spent fuel pool at Fukushima, Tepco is either in denial or is simply in typical corporate "Limited Liability" mode dealing with the global public as if the only thing that is important is the public image of the company. When in fact what is happening is a deadly global health emergency that is getting worse and worse every day that proper action is not taken. The radioactive fallout from Fukushima is not safe and will add millions to the list of those made ill and killed by nuclear power. If you have doubts about this statement then please reference resources at this web site

The people of the world must now demand that the Chernobyl Option be put into play and begin a complete entombment of the Fukushima 1, 2, 3, and 4 reactors in concrete, placing millions of tons of lead laden concrete underneath the effected reactors so the molten fissile material is at least slowed down in it's melt down process.
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