For hi-fi version see

Annie Machon has published a book too ... of the same name:
'Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers'
Can we trust the secret state?
·MI6 illegally paid tens of thousands of pounds to Al Qaeda to stage a coup in Libya, without realising the irresponsibility of its actions.
·MI5 failed to stop four major terrorist attacks in Britain, even though it was in possession of reliable intelligence.
·MI5 illegally investigated thousands of UK citizens for their political views.
·MI5 and MI6 let a known Libyan terrorist into Britain. They failed to recruit him and allowed him to set up a terrorist network in this country.
·MI5 withheld evidence about the innocence of two Palestinians at their trial for the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in London in 1994. One document indicated it might be an ‘inside job’.
Here, for the first time, Annie writes about her experiences at the heart of the secret state and what happens when you stand up to it. Her revelations about illegal intelligence operations, cover-ups to ministers, and particularly the MI6 funding of Al Qaeda terrorists will shock all of us who like to think that our security services are doing everything in their power to fight terrorism.

And is on the evil facebook