Why are there no, No-Fly Zones over, Sudan, Belarus, Burma, Indonesia, Israel, Turkey, China, Chechnya, Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, Sri Lanka, Syria, Yemen, (the list is endless). All these countries are guilty of past and continuing atrocities against their populations far in excess of anything that has happened is happening in Libya.
Placing Sudan first on the list is deliberate, Sudan's president Ahmad Al-Bashir is an indicted war criminal there is an international arrest warrant outstanding, but no likelihood of it ever being enforced. Comparing like for like, Colonel Gaddafi president of Libya to president Ahmad Al-Bashir of Sudan, Gaddafi is a boy scout.
Do have a think about what is going on here, is the international war on Libya, just more payback for the Lockerbie bombing.
Please be clear 'Freemovement' abhors the Libyan regime and all the other regimes named, but the stink of what is happening here, take ones breath away.
John O for "Freemovement'
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