A decision was taken by Basildon Council last week in favour of issuing the 28 day notice period for the eviction of resident's at Dale Farm (although there are still negotiations taking place). This is despite widespread concerns from the UN, the Children's Commissioner and a recent visit to the site from the Council of Europe. If this goes ahead it will represent the largest ever eviction of Travellers in the UK, with over 150 children affected.
We have set up a petition calling on the Prime Minister to intervene, in order to stop a forced removal of residents and ensure that culturally appropriate alternative provision is identified and secured for the residents.

We would urge you to sign the petition and also to assist us by circulating to your networks. If you want any further information about the situation at Dale Farm a briefing paper is available on our website:

We would also be grateful if those of you who are interested in getting more directly involved in the campaign, could get in touch and we could add you to a mailing list as we are planning protests in the coming weeks. Also, if anyone is interested in getting involved as a legal monitor if the eviction goes ahead, more people are still needed and there will be training providing by the Human Rights Clinic at Essex law school on 31st March.
Many Thanks,
Mairead Moore
Mairead Moore
Policy Officer
0207 607 2002 / 07908433438
The Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road,
London, N7 6PA