An acknowledgement in the public domain of what some of us long suspected, on quote from the Guardian today: "The Newspaper [Der Spiegel] said Kennedy's involvement in criminal activity raised concerns that he was working as an agent provocateur and not just an observer "
Kennedy attended preparatory gatherings ahaed of anti-G8 protests in Heiligendamm in Eastern Germany and is claimed to have been involved in organising protests in relation to the event. According to Der Spiegel, he was invited to Germany by the authorities to infiltrate the anti-fascist movement (date not revealed), but in terms of the anti-G8 protests in particular, it is claimed he spent time involved with persons involved with the Black Block.
Both the Guardian and Der Spiegel have already reported that Ziercke revealed to German MPs that Kennedy was charged by two crimes, one a charge of arson, but the cases against him were dropped at the behest of German authorities who knew Kennedy's true identity. On quote from the Guardian today: "The Newspaper [Der Spiegel] said Kennedy's involvement in criminal activity raised concerns that he was working as an agent provocateur and not just an observer "
Today's Guardian article taken from Der Spiegel's latest reporting on the subject also reveals that whilst discussing the Kennedy case, Ziercke answered questions about German undercover officers abroad. Through leaked witnesses reporting, German newspaper Der Spiegel reveals that Ziercke talked of five being sent to the anti-G8 protests in Gleneagles, Scotland in July 2005.

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