1.Paul Mercer- a spy for BAe who has infiltrated many protest groups.Mercer was publicly exposed for his role in spying on anti-arms trade campaigners, Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) in 2007. His contract for the operation was finalised through Global Open. We have images of him on M11 link road protests in 1995, surrounded by police looking like he is arguing with them. He has a stills camera with zoom lens around his neck.

2.Martin Hogbin- a spy for Bae who worked undercover in CAAT. Images of Hogbin driving a van for Mark Thomas who dumped manure on doorstep of Labour HQ.Also images of Hogbin dumping fake blood on steps of the AMG of BAe with activist Chris Cole. Images of both holding a CAAT banner and both being arrested.

3.The car which undercover cop PC Boyling/Sutton drove to block the streets for the carnival against capitalism in 1999. Video images of 5 police pushing it away after the undercover cop 'accidentally' left the window open. This story was reported in the Guardian.
PC Mark Kennedy was at the Big Green Gathering in 2006. If you filmed there please contact us on

if anyone has any ima
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