another blow to his legitimacy as a representative of the student movement
on Saturday after he failed to give a speech at the rally in Manchester
organised by the TUC due to anger from many of the students present.
He was instead whisked away from the demonstration under police escort as
students and youth shouted “traitor” and “f**K NUS”. His and the unions
reputation took a nose dive after its leader has repeatedly condemned the
recent upsurge in direct action taken by students and youth against
education cuts, fees rises and youth unemployment.
Even the vice-president of the NUS was jeered and eggs were thrown, a
clear signal of the discontent.
Paul Roberts, a student present said “It has been reported in the Murdoch
press that anti-semetic remarks were made, this claim is simply untrue. It
is worrying that anti-semetism is being trivialised and used as a
diversionary tactic. The real story is that Porter and the NUS is no
longer considered voice of the student movement.”
For the students who confronted Aaron Porter yesterday there were many
reasons to hate him. Being Jewish was not even a consideration. Not that
it even matters, but no one knew he was Jewish anyway.
The chants of “Aaron porter we hate, and you’re a fucking Tory too” might
possibly have confused the photographer who made such a profoundly false
statement which was completely unsubstantiated. However, more than
likely, it was probably yet another attempt by the Murdoch press to
portray those people fighting for a better future as animals.
The fact the Aaron porter was mobbed before he even got to speak (where he
surely would have been egged off the stage) was a cause of celebration for
the assembled Trade Unionists and Students. The only thing is it made the
speakers less interesting.
Here was a man who had described his own members as despicable. Who had
organised demonstrations to compete with ones organised by students
instead of supporting them. Who had utilised the NUS as a tool to divide
students instead supporting them. There was plenty of reason to confront
The students and trade unionists - who then went on to run freely through the
city centre of Manchester, instead of staying in the out of the way park
they had been designated to - have been completely baffled by this being
the story of the demonstration.
The story surely would be that the students leader had been driven off the platform by students who hated him. Or maybe that people were not obeying the rules laid down for
demonstration, but having more fun and running through the city with abandon. Or maybe even the appalling mistreatment of young people again by the GMP (Greater Manchester Police).
Alex Fountain - Communities Officer at Manchester Metropolitan Students’
Union - who was not only there at the time, but helped host NUS delegates.
‘ Yes we confronted him, and yes we were upset with him, for his failings
and that of the NUS. There was not one person in that crowd who would
have even considered calling someone a Jew. Speaking in a personal
capacity, I feel Aaron Porter does not represent me or Manchester
Metropolitan Students Union.”
Sarah Kerton - A Labour Party member and witness “As a long term anti
fascist campaigner i have been in situations where there have been anti
Semitic remarks made. I have always challenged them and always will. It
is absolutely ludicrous to think a bunch of students angry about the
appalling performance of the NUS would call someone a Jew, especially in a
derogatory sense, or that if it happened it would go unchallenged. If it
happened we would have known about it and there would have been uproar.
But it didn’t. It is not even a consideration for anyone involved in the
student movement.
Thomas Barlow - Former Communications Officer of University of Manchester
Students’ Union and witness “Any attempt by The Mail to smear protesters
with legitimate grievances as anti-Semitic is not only factually
incorrect, but it is a cheap attempt to whitewash the failings of a
right-wing and incompetent leader of the student movement, whilst tarring
the reputation of the most positive and vibrant of movements in Britain.
This is completely unjust and this kind of reporting can no longer go
The youth movement of the UK should be celebrated for it's creativity,
positivity and unwillingness to bend to injustice and oppression as an
example to all those who will suffer from the cuts – workers of all kinds,
the unemployed, the disabled, the sick, the elderly and the land itself.
Yesterday's protests were a great example of that and we hope to see many
more in the future.
We demand the printing of a retraction and a formal apology by the Mail,
and by those who followed their incorrect and damaging reporting. People
are also asking Aaron to back up the claims and at the very least we would
like the Mail to attempt to prove it’s allegations, against the several
dozen witnesses who refute those allegations.

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