You win a Crisis Loan, just pop down to the DSS to claim it and say we sent you.*
So we hereby declare everyday to be a Troll Atos Day. Let's keep up the pressure and remind them, just a little bit every day, what their company is doing to the sick and disabled.
You can even ring one of the secret numbers for Atos handily published by the DWP:

Alternatively Atos press office can be reached on: Tel : +44 20 7830 4233 or the UK Press Officer is at:

Atos have at least two facebook pages linked to their US operations:

They can be found on twitter at: @AtosOriginBlog, @Atos_Origin, @AtosOrigin_News
They even have a blog up at:

And there are more contact details at:

Have fun!
*disclaimer, we are not really able to offer Crisis Loans as prizes. Sorry about that.
Above pic from: