Hey all this is the last mail out through all these lists - if you want to get
a weekly announce please subscribe to this list

or to SHOUT OUT’s list below (which will probably be more comprehensive)
Also links to all sorts of support organisations can be found here

1. Peoples Assemblies
2. Regional groups
4. Public order training and Direct Action Training
5. National Student Bulletin!
7. 2011 Support
9. Solicitors nationwide
11. Next time
1. Peoples Assemblies
Notes from the Peoples Assemblies group
- Promote idea of assemblies nationally
- Student occupations becoming spaces for assemblies,
Networking via this website

Occupations becoming assemblies
train in consensus to open occupation process
get lecturers and university staff involved in occupation
then non-students can take part in occuptations
then assemblies can form involving anticuts groups and unions
then use assembly to take town halls and replace local councils with a
democratic duel power
2. Regional groups
The northwest has set up a mail list - sign up
The list homepage:

northwest cru info.
Anti Cuts Action - has been founded in Bristol and hopes to be a regional
grouping, get in touch with -

Is to be the name of the outreach network, you can sign up to the e-mail list

We are looking for;
-Outreach collectives in each city - website for local campaigns and
alternatives in each city to be maintained.
- Maybe bulletins and videos to be made
- A focus on literature that already exists and help distribute effectively,
and collate existing information on groups, skills, pop ed and events and make
more widely available.
4. Public order training and Direct Action Training
Can be found at seedsforchange.org.uk
Also training on facilitation, consensus and a lot of other useful skills.
There are a lot more links on the page

5. National Student Bulletin!
Download the PDF from

distribute it asap, before the walkouts on Wed!
To the kitchen cru, the accommodation cru and the venue cru - what they did
awesome, especially as we didn’t know how many people were coming - 40 or
400 - and we didn’t thank them enough! So big ups to these wonderful people!
7. 2011 Support
- ideas for support roles/groups
Library, Media, Transport, Publicity, Design, Political Support, Workshops, DA
Training, Activist Laundry (swap clothes), Childcare, Food (street kitchens),
Social Spaces, Legal, Financial, Medics, Housing, Tech, Soundsystems,
Communications, Accommodation (post action), Trauma/Welfare/Wellbeing
A lot of what is covered here has been put up in the links section, but if
anyone has ideas or information on
Design, Activist laundry, Financial Support, Post action accommodation,
Soundsytems or tech, or anything else mentioned here not covered in our links
Please e-mail

Social Spaces - Social Centre Network -

Housing - radical routes, diggers and dreamers, Squatters advisory
www.radicalroutes.org.uk, www.diggersanddreamers.org.uk, www.squatter.org.uk/
The peoples United Communties - www.tpuc.org -
Our website www.anticutsaction.wordpress.com has a link to the pamphlet
produced by Bristol Anarchist Federation

mentioned in the minutes that were released last week.
9. Solicitors nationwide
Kellys Brighton
Bindmans - London
Hodge Jones and Allen - London
Zemanskys (housing welfare, benefits) - Leeds
Thomsons (Trade Unions) - Leeds
More please! Send a message titled - SOLICITORS to

10. MISSING PIECES - please fwd us info -

- Love police training Cambridge
- Permaculture groups
- Fitwatch
- DA training list set up?
11. Next time
We are posting up our reflections on the last gathering on Wed. We
have Bradford and/or Bristol as hosts and will know more in the coming weeks -
we will keep you updated, but if you are interested in being part of the venue
and general gathering process then please email

with the title gathering. The list is being put together, so all those who
have already e-mailed us do not need to again, we will start the discussions
Much Love everyone - it is great to hear so much going on, keep it up!
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