As well as hating tokers Dr Hans really hates the gays. In his role as medical co-ordinator of the Council for Health and Wholeness (CHW), a Christian loon front, he has written briefings on the ‘risks’ of a homosexual lifestyle for the Government with such choice garbage as:
“The media and the gay movement portray the homosexual lifestyle as happy, healthy and fulfilled. However, the homosexual lifestyle is associated with a large number of very serious physical and emotional health consequences.”
I”A high proportion of homosexual men engage in a destructive lifestyle, for example contracting HIV/Aids or other STIs, and develop addictions to drugs or alcohol. There is a higher burden of depression, [and] attempted or completed suicide among the ‘gay population’.”
“While the majority of homosexuals are not involved in paedophilia, it is of grave concern that there is a disproportionately greater number of homosexuals among paedophiles and an overlap between the gay movement and the movement to make paedophilia acceptable.”
With nasty old homophobe Theresa May as Equalities Minister and gay hating nutters being invited onto scientific advisory boards once again the tories reveal their true colours as a tired old bunch of out of touch bigots intent on dragging the country back into the dark ages.
Gays needn’t however because Dr Hans and his cult can cure you (3).



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