Anyway, I was doodling into my past as I said, back in 1970 something or other – check it out – it all hangs in – and I was in Winston Green jail in Birmingham.
Mind you I was a wee bit green and youngish, after all I was born in 1950. Do the maths.
Outside of my cell window was a small, chicken wire enclosed from top to bottom ‘exercise yard’. It was in an angled enclosure within the jail. I would get angry with anyone who punished my dog to such an ordeal. And I do mean seriously angry. People don’t get righteously angry these days – they are too sheepified.
Every day, several guys were brought out into this torturous enclosure and given the freedom to walk about, in an anti-clockwise circle, several yards from each other, and they were not permitted to speak with one another. I know. I watched it happen.
After their period of time out in the yard had finished, a short time later a solitary woman was led into the yard and allowed to walk in repetitive circles, alone. For 30 minutes. I know. I watched it happen.
Winston Green in those days was a male jail – it had no facilities for females.
Who was this woman? Because sure as sure, the men were the Birmingham 6 – but who was this woman? There is no mention of an imprisoned female in the Wikipedia chronology of these events. Why?
Just a thought.
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Possible identity.
22.01.2011 11:23
I did think that the women were held in Holloway but could one have been in Winson Green for a time?
Ulrike Meinhof