In Poland quite a frustrating bit of data concerning the fatal crash of Tu-154M carrying Polish president Lech Kaczynski, was revealed. On the record showing the voices from the cockpit as recodred by CVR we can hear the screams of dying people. Both the flight controllers and the pilots took risky decisions. There were civil persons both in the Tu-145M cockit and in the airport tower. Someone in the airport tower was so scarred, that he trembled, possibly one of flight controllers, due to stressful situation.
However, last seconds are still unknown. From the revealed recording, some observers say that crucial final moment is missing, circa ten seconds of the final flight, directly before the crash. Everything could have happened. The most mysterious part follows after the words of the captain, Mr Protasiuk, that gave a command to stop descending. This manouver however has not taken place immediately. What has happened?