End of the Road Tolls Tomorrow in Greece.
People's massive response to the economic crisis and austerity measures. There is a massive citizens movement growing rapidly over the last few weeks in Greece,called "WE DO NOT PAY ROAD TOLLS -WE DO NOT PAY YOUR CRISIS".Watch today's massive movement on STOPCARTEL web TV.
Private multinational Companies, granded by the government the right to establish Road Tolls all over the country announced this week that already 30% of the Greek drivers refuse to pay daily.The movement organizers point out that the roads are the people's property, constructed with the money of the taxpayers over the
years and therefore nobody has the right to demand payment for their use.They also remind that the taxpayers provide for the maintenance of their National Roads Network through the multiple heavy taxation they pay for this purpose.
Three days ago a massive government and multinational companies combined campaign errupted through the conventional Greek Media, terrorising the citizens refusing to pay the road tolls,with imposition of heavy penalties and imprisonment !The movement's legal advisors response is catalytic ,refering to violation of basic constitutional rights in case the government tries to materialize their threats...
The citizens angry response to the government and multinational companies terrorism, is going to be Road Tolls "defacto" elimination from Nothern Greece ,Macedonia to the Southern city of Kalamata.This is planed for tomorrow Sunday 9 of January.
The response of the mass citizens movement fighting for the complete abolition of the Road tolls throughout the country to the Greek government's hysteria
is to take place today Sunday, January 9 at all tolls throughout the country.
Local commitees of the movement, formed all over the country, will open at the same time, starting 3 pm local Athens time, all the Road Toll Stations so the drivers will be passing through without payment !
STOPCARTEL web TV-GR will be broadcasting LIVE the demonstrations as from 3 pm local Athens time
Site,blog,facebook owners are able to re-broadcast in real time this extraordinary political event from Greece,clicking the EMBED button on the left lower edge of the screen at the Greek section of www.stopcartel.org
here we will see the actions live:
