A lawyer for the group of doctors behind the demand for an inquest said they "hope and expect" that Mr Grieve will make his decision on legal grounds only, and will resist any political pressure to reject their application.
Press Release
Campaigners for a full inquest into the death of government weapons inspector David Kelly have said they believed they had presented Attorney General Dominic Grieve with an "unanswerable" case.
A lawyer for the group of doctors behind the demand for an inquest said they "hope and expect" that Mr Grieve will make his decision on legal grounds only, and will resist any political pressure to reject their application.
Mr Grieve has been considering the doctors' case - set out in a 33-page petition known in legal language as a "memorial" - since September and is expected to announce early in 2011 whether he will comply with their request for him to ask the High Court to order an inquest.
The doctors have taken the unusual step of publishing the memorial ahead of Mr Grieve's decision and Dr Michael Powers said it set out in the clearest and most powerful terms yet why the Hutton Inquiry into Dr Kelly's 2003 death was not an adequate substitute for the "full, frank and fearless" investigation required by coroners' guidelines.
Dr Powers said: "For several months now the Attorney General has been considering the 'memorial' of the doctors. This legal document sets out details of the insufficiency and irregularities of Lord Hutton's informal inquiry which, in our opinion, make the argument for a proper inquest unanswerable.
"Although the senior government law officer, it is hoped and expected that Dominic Grieve QC MP will put aside political considerations in reaching his decision on the law. The circumstances of Dr Kelly's death merit a detailed examination of all the evidence in a coroner's court. Many questions have been asked which demand proper answers. It is in the public interest that confidence is maintained in the due process of law."
Dr Kelly's body was found near his Oxfordshire home days after he was revealed as the source of media claims that the Government had "sexed up" its dossier on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which was used by then prime minister Tony Blair as a justification for the invasion of the country.
Unusually for an unnatural death, an inquest was never completed, as Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer declared himself satisfied with the finding of the Hutton Inquiry that the scientist had committed suicide, prompting the Oxfordshire coroner to abandon the inquiry which he opened and adjourned immediately after the death.
But the five doctors, led by radiologist Stephen Frost, argue that Lord Hutton - who devoted only half a day of his 24-day inquiry to medical evidence and did not have statutory powers to require cross-examination of witnesses - was not in a position to fulfil the duties of a coroner.
The memorial, available on the internet, says there is "serious doubt" that sufficient evidence was available at the time of the "hastily conducted" inquiry to reach the conclusion that Dr Kelly deliberately killed himself by cutting his wrist and taking painkillers, as his death certificate suggests. Scrutiny of medical evidence was "unacceptably limp".
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The Guardian's disinformation regarding the assassination of Dr. David Kelly
30.12.2010 12:57
from the archives:
Political assassination: Media disinformation regarding the death of Dr. David Kelly
UK Physicians respond to The Guardian
by Drs. C Stephen Frost and David Halpin and Christopher J Burns-Cox, 16 December 2007
Global Research editor's note:
The following letter by Drs. C Stephen Frost, David Halpin and Christopher J Burns-Cox was sent to The Guardian in response to a review of Norman Baker's recently published book The Strange Death of David Kelly.
The article by Richard Norton-Taylor suggests in no uncertain terms that the Hon. Norman Baker is a "conspiracy theorist".
The authors of the letter are prominent physicians who have analysed the causes of Dr. Kelly's death in several Global Research Articles.
Dear Sir
Richard Norton-Taylor struggles mightily to discredit Norman Baker and his recently published book The Strange Death of David Kelly, in his review of that book (Guardian, 1 December 2007). The struggle is all the more confusing because Norton-Taylor does concede that "the inquiry [the Hutton Inquiry] into the circumstances surrounding Kelly's death, which also became a quasi-inquest, shed a bright light on the way Downing Street, with the help of intelligence chiefs who should have known better, conspired to draw up the disgraceful Iraqi weapons dossier."
Norton-Taylor entirely misses, and one has to wonder whether he does so deliberately, the central point made by the many reasonable people who are concerned that Dr David Kelly has been denied a proper inquest: that due process of law has not been followed, indeed it has been comprehensively subverted.
These two articles point unerringly to a Government cover-up. The importance of such a cover-up (in the context of the investigation of the suspicious death of the world expert on biological and chemical weapons who, at the time of his death, was perceived to be blowing the whistle on the Government which had taken the country to illegal war on a pack of lies) cannot be over-emphasised. That is the end of the argument. Richard Norton-Taylor (and others in his position) should be pressing for a proper investigation of Kelly's death, ie a proper inquest, rather than wasting his time attempting to rubbish Norman Baker's book, while claiming the moral high ground. Otherwise, there is a risk that he and other apparent apologists for the dreadful Blair and Brown governments are seen in the future as the shameless enablers that perhaps they are.
Yours faithfully
Dr C Stephen Frost BSc MBChB Specialist in Diagnostic Radiology, Stockholm, Sweden
David Halpin FRCS
Dr Christopher J Burns-Cox FRCP MD
Alone in the woods
Richard Norton-Taylor is unconvinced by the conspiracy theories in The Strange Death of David Kelly by Norman Baker
by Richard Norton-Taylor, The Guardian, 1 December 2007
The Strange Death of David Kelly
by Norman Baker
399pp, Methuen, £9.99
Norman Baker, Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes, is one of parliament's most persistent harassers of ministers and officials. Over the past year he has diverted his energy to the many theories, encouraged by some disturbing and unanswered questions, surrounding the death of David Kelly, the government's highly respected weapons expert whose body was found in a wood near his Oxfordshire home on July 18 2003. An unintentional whistleblower, his remarks to the BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan, about how the Blair government had exaggerated the threat posed by Saddam's weapons programme, provoked an intense and ugly row between Downing Street and the BBC, leading ultimately to Kelly's death.
With terrier-like persistence Baker searches and turns over all the conspiracy theories, which began to hatch even before Lord Hutton's inquiry ended. The inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Kelly's death, which also became a quasi-inquest, shed a bright light on the way Downing Street, with the help of intelligence chiefs who should have known better, conspired to draw up the disgraceful Iraqi weapons dossier. Hutton, as we all know, cleared the government and criticised the BBC. He also concluded that Kelly had indeed committed suicide, but skirted over some of the questions about what exactly caused his death.
When his body was found, his left wrist was cut open and an empty pack of coproxamol painkilling tablets was in his jacket pocket. Baker makes much of apparently conflicting evidence about Kelly's last movements, when precisely he died and when his body was discovered. It is extremely rare, he writes, for a death to follow injury to the ulnar artery. He examines the motives of all those he says had a possible interest in getting rid of Kelly, including US and British agents. In the end, Baker seems to come down in favour of an Iraqi exile group on the grounds that more revelations from Kelly would have further dented its credibility.
This reviewer believes that Kelly was the victim of the escalating fight between Alastair Campbell's Downing Street and the BBC, with the Ministry of Defence - Kelly's employers - outing him, then continuing to hound him on the government's behalf. Baker points to an incident during Kelly's appearance before the Commons foreign affairs committee shortly before he died. Kelly was unsettled, the author agrees, by a detailed question from the Liberal Democrat MP David Chidgey, about a conversation the weapons expert had with the Newsnight science editor, Susan Watts. Kelly evaded the question, thus misleading the committee.
Kelly "would be exposed as less than truthful, something that went strongly against his personal ethic", writes Baker. "He thus took a sudden decision to end it all." This, according to him, is the "most plausible" explanation for Kelly's suicide. Surprisingly, what he does not say is that Kelly was asked about Watts after Chidgey had been briefed by Gilligan. The question, which Kelly was to remark later had "totally thrown him", contained material that Gilligan had supplied in an email to Chidgey. The Hutton inquiry was told that such email priming by Gilligan of Chidgey was unprecedented and "highly inappropriate". Baker passes over this.
There is no evidence supporting the many theories that Kelly was murdered and plenty of evidence supporting the conclusion that he was driven to suicide. Baker may have done a service by reminding us of one of the nastiest episodes arising from the invasion of Iraq. Perhaps he should now concentrate his energy on current iniquities.
Drs. C. Stephen Frost and David Halpin and Christopher J Burns-Cox
Homepage: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7620
Why are they so secretive?
31.12.2010 11:59
Question is why are they so keen to keep in secret and refuse to let us all see and decide for ourselves? What have they go to hide?
Dark force.
Alice in Wonderland.
31.12.2010 16:09
How did the Thames Valley Police open their file on Dr Kelly's murder before it happened?
What is the significance in the fact the case was named "Operation Mason"? Given all the aspects to this death and reports of mysterious men in black in the area Dr Kelly was killed, is this someone's idea of black humour, or is it more sinister?
Enemy of the state.