In pinheadbanger O’Reilly’s bizarre world, one episode was titled “Pinheads or Patriots.” A “pinhead” is someone who doesn’t subscribe to O'Rally’s “traditionalist” beliefs and a “patriot” is somebody who does. "We believe anyone who sings Christmas songs is patriotic, but they are challenging that." "Anyone who sings Christmas songs is patriotic?"
PINHEADER Bill O’Riley who earlier lashed out at The Simpsons for branding a Fox News helicopter with the slogan, “Not Racist, But #1 With Racists.” The helicopter was flown in a episode blasting Fox News. Or, as O’Rally said, the Simpsons are “Biting the hand that feeds them.”
O’Righty even attacked Fox himself, claiming the fear-bating channel, popular with mentally challenged bigots, fundamentalists, self-loathing haters and racists of all stripes, allowed it’s cartoon characters to “run wild.”
Homer Simpson, says O’Really is just another of those modern homegrown plastic paddies or too “Silly-arsed eejits on Fox that pose as journalists, reporters, and sluts,” adding, “You run wild! You run wild!” Simpson also criticized the “female face of Fox,” Megyn Kelly, announcing “She has a giant head, and giant silicone… hair; and she’s all dirty and everything.”
Phuck's sake O'Reilly, Xmas songs are for drunks, fools and children, bless them all. Anyway I am in the land of Buddha, so Phuket.
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