Jones, who recently hit the headlines after threatening to burn copies of the Koran on the anniversary of 9/11 alsohas a reputation for homophobia, racism and anti-Semitism. How this sits with the EDL's spurious claims to be non-racist, non-homophobic and in support of Isreal and Judaisim is anyone's guess but it is hard to accept that they did not know of his reputation for racism and homophobia before making the invite.
How the socalled "moderate" members of the EDL will view this - as well as their sikh members, homosexual members and those who profess to be opposed to racism is anyone's guess. What is for sure is that inviting a known racist, homophobe, anti-Semite, Islamophobe and all round bigot to Britain is a massive own goal for the EDL.
Hope not hate have already launched a campaign to stop Jones coming to Britain

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