* To promote Freedom, Solidarity, Direct Democracy, social revolution, Equality, free speech, atheism, ecology and science/progress.
* To counter the propaganda of both the "left" and "right" and all those threatened by anarchism.
* To spread news and events in order to organize and encourage people to participate.
* To build opportunities for people to Organize, Communicate, exchange experience and network in order build unity in the movement worldwide.
* To Fight (neo) Fascism in all its disguises, and expose the lies of marxism and authoritarian socialists.
The site is a independent project not associated directly to any organization or group, it's important that the site try to remain somewhat neutral in this way. However we offer space in our messageboards for groups and organizations, a own area where the organizations may discuss private issues or present news and information to visitors and members alike.
The A-Revolt Forums is a huge forum, we tried to build a messageboard that covers most anarchists and peoples interests, so the forums is not only about anarchism but also music movie, books and much much more, I recomend you check it out, as this is our online community area, with exception of the chat
The Direct Action Messageboards is a area where people and organizations may post upcoming actions/events, like demonstrations, workshops, meetings, bookfairs, Lectures, parties, well any event that they wish to inform other anarchists about. The Direct Action messageboards are open for visitos and guests to post messages without having to register.
The Chat Rooms, is where you can meet other anarchists and chat live, a good place to hold meetings and gatherings. it is a Flash chat Server, that we host on our server. And remember everyone's welcome and respect others as you want them to respect you.

on facebook, our direct action and news page :

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