On 11/22, intelligence cohorts convinced me to shout out a word of warning to my pet project, Portland. Unaffectionately nicknamed "Little Beirut" by Poppy Bush 41, "PDX" has been at or near the top of The Iconoclast's Top Terror Targets list since 2007, when it was ground zero for Bush Boy 43 in nuclear terror exercises Noble Resolve and Topoff-4.
By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast

HOUSTON, 12/1/2010 -- What a difference a week can make! Before Thanksgiving the Terror War was becoming odious and dubious. Anger at the interminable fighting and increasing police intrusions was growing.
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"No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power." -- 1984
The New American Century was groaning, not growling, at the end of its first decade, following the lead of The Thousand Year Reich (which lasted 12 years). An Associated Press story on Thanksgiving Day was stark: U.S. now in Afghanistan as long as Soviets were,

SecDef Robert Gates was raising military eyebrows by sending tanks against the Taliban terrorists opposing our invasion of Afghanistan. We once called the same guerrillas "freedom fighters" when they were defeating the tanks of the Soviet invasion 22 years before ours. Nato set on pullout from Afghanistan,

The HomeSec acronym TSA was being translated as Total Sexual Abuse by the irreverent Internet, with fine polemics like Paul Craig Roberts' TSA Gestapo Empire,

In Canada the Free Press wrote: "(The) Department of Homeland Security is not only prepared to enforce the enhanced security procedures at airports, but is involved in gathering intelligence about those who don't." It's well documented in DHS & TSA: Making a list, checking it twice,

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"The thought police would get him just the same. He had committed -- would have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper -- the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it." -- 1984
On 11/22, intelligence cohorts convinced me to shout out a word of warning to my pet project, Portland. Unaffectionately nicknamed "Little Beirut" by Poppy Bush 41, "PDX" has been at or near the top of The Iconoclast's Top Terror Targets list since 2007, when it was ground zero for Bush Boy 43 in nuclear terror exercises Noble Resolve and Topoff-4.
Accordingly, I wrote Special JFK Day Update (Portland Nuclear Inquest),

The article was carried nearly everywhere, from Al-Jazeerah to America First Books. I was initially dismayed that the one place it didn't get much attention was the Pacific Northwest, where I had commended a Pacifica radio station, Portland's KBOO, for heroism in the deadly days of '07.
Pacifica's KPFA (Berkeley) was a welcome exception, posting the article and a link to it the day before Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving morning there was a dead man, 25-year-old Steven Tassel, at KPFA:
Flash: Man Dies in Fall from KPFA Tower at 4 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day (UPDATED),

Freak fatality struck again on Black Friday. 3 with Texas ties killed in plane crash,

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"A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic." -- 1984
Pakistan's Daily Times marked the second anniversary of the 11/26/2008 Mumbai terror attack with an accusatory op-ed, Headley, the US, Mumbai and LeT,

Then came the Black Friday monstrum ex machina, in this case a teenager named Mohamed Osman Mohamud. Islam was attacking Christmas! It was frighteningly familiar.
The story has followed two trajectories over the past five days. The mainstream media reports and repeats another example of Islamic extremism, which requires renewal of the Terror War and Homeland Security. The Internet Intelligentsia argues that the Christmas tree bomber is just a remix of last year's Christmas underwear bomber, who was equally useful in providing the people with a bit of salutary shock therapy.
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"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -- if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'"
Every crime, including the Portland Plot, is a puzzle. I leave important pieces of that incomplete puzzle for researchers who are working in the same direction as Ghost Troop:
11/29/10 Press Release on Joint Terrorism Task Force,

Sam Adams: Not So Fast on Rejoining Terrorism Task Force,

FBI apparently set up US teen blamed for fake car bomb,

Alleged Portland Bomber To Claim Entrapment,

Justices turn aside another challenge over Obama's citizenship,

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In light of Ghost Troop's anticipation of Portland's peril, I exhort all investigators, official and unofficial, to consider these three possibilities:
The FBI is telling the truth, and the timing of the GT alert to Portland was a simple coincidence.
The FBI is part of a psychological operation (PSYOP) against the American people, which the GT alert anticipated but didn't greatly affect.
The FBI is part of a full-scale false flag operation, which they intended to carry out, and the GT alert countered them, thereby saving the lives of U.S. citizens.
I dismiss the first possibility on the basis of my experience with the PDX terror plan. Simply put, Little Beirut has made enormous enemies with its independent ways, and the powers that be have determined to make the city an example of what happens to those who waver in their commitment to the Global War.
For Portland it's not a matter of compromising with superior federal forces. They must be defenders of their own destiny. Aptly-named Portland Mayor Sam Adams must lead his city's opt-out revolt, which is now the front our nation's patriotic revolution.
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Captain Eric H. May, a disabled veteran, is a former U.S. Army military intelligence officer and Desert Storm volunteer. A former NBC editorial writer, his essays have been published worldwide, from the Wall Street Journal to Military Intelligence Magazine. Iconoclast Publisher W. Leon Smith wrote about him and his unit in: Captain Eric H. May Deserves The Congressional Medal of Honor,

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