Yesterday was thanksgiving and apart from family and friends I have to ask, what are people so thankful for?
Are you thankful unemployment is at an all time high but you have a job? Are you thankful the economic crisis and the bailouts enriched the rich and threw the common man to the curb once again but you’re not really affected by it since you have no money invested? Are you thankful that the wars being waged around the world will make the Homeland safer? Are you thankful president Obama has quietly removed the National Guard off the southern border which still remains wide open if only to allow the troops to be home for the holidays and then longer as they won’t be returned? Are you thankful that thousands of troops have died in the war and almost one million women and children have been innocently slaughter in Iraq since the USA invaded but since they weren’t your family you’re thankful?
Are you thankful that although your home values have lost 50% that at least you still have a home? Are you thankful that your taxes are being pens on other nations while your own falls into more decline because giving is always much better than having even if you work so hard for it? Are you thankful that BP devastated the Gulf Coast after all if they hadn’t sprayed cortex and killed all the marine life the fisherman would have plundered the ocean for profit so after all it’s a good thing to get the people off the habit of eating sea food?
Are you thankful that new legislation prevents your neighbor from growing their own garden, after all the insects and unwanted eye appeal gardens have on Homeowners associations but forget the fact gardens serve a purpose to provide for more self reliance. Are you thankful for all the GMO crops and processed food that provide such empty nutrients and cause so many adverse side effects? After all they are packed with lots of vitamins or so say their containers?
Are you thankful that you have the ability to turn a blind eye to everything around you without feeling any remorse? Are you thankful you still have conveniences that allow you to simply remain content during such times?
Well with such a large list of things to be so thankful for I guess you can add that we are thankful that “Red Saturday” referrers to the economic state of the government and the general population and not because of blood flowing red in the street, although many patriots keep proclaiming the tree of liberty needs to be refreshed from time to time with blood of patriots so maybe that will come on Red Sunday.
All I know is that I am thankful I am able to see the truth and I am thankful I am not like so many who can simply turn a blind eye. I am thankful the USA is broke and that the dollar might collapse, I am thankful for this because if anything it will wake the people up and it will slow down the federal government who is out of control
And that alone is something to be bloody thankful for!
Op/Ed article
Von Helman
Staff writer