Menlo Park research facility places order for monkeys
by John
Tuesday Nov 9th, 2010 5:31 AM
Details leaked of Bay Area research facility negotiating to purchase dozens of crab-eating macaques, most of whom will be killed in "terminal" toxicology studies.
The following e-mail from Menlo Park-based SRI International has been forwarded to the blog, South Florida SMASH HLS (

"RE: SRI International need for Primates?
From: Toufan Parman (toufan.parman [at]
Sent: Wed 10/06/10
To: mikedisbrow [at]
Hi Mike
It was great to speak with you just now. A Colleague of mine (Karen Steinmetz) has recently purchased some Cynos from primate products. I am negotiating with a client for some toxicology studies at SRI with Cynos and I am giving them some timeline as to when they can start.
I will keep you posted regarding the 18M/18F for my tox study. I need these to be from Mauricia and about 4 years old (48months or so) if possible if not then 2-3 years old will be fine too. Of the 36 primates 12 of them will be terminated but the remainder can be sent back to you for retirement. (these animals can be non-naïve but they have to be naïve to any antibody drug, small molecule drugs are fine).
After this study I may have another study with 16M/16F Naïve cynos. This will be a terminal study.
I am looking for a price in the 4400 range if possible. Let me know what you can do for me.
I will let you know within the next couple of week about as to whether I will move forward or not.
Many Thanks
Toufan Parman, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.
Associate Director, Mammalian Toxicology
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel: (650) 859-3260
Email: toufan.parman [at]"