"In front of our eyes, a once lively society that resisted the occupation as well as it's own political leadership (Hamas, Fatah whoever...) turns into a collection of individuals that retreat quietly and disillusioned to the private". It reports that the conflict between PA / Palestinian Authority (West Bank) and Hamas (Gaza) leads to a massive erosion of the health and education sector. In Gaza, the Hamas prohibits oppositional protests. In the West Bank, the PA sends armed thugs to violently disperse disliked gatherings. Thousands of respective political enemies were imprisoned by the two Palestinian authorities on the ground of vague "security reasons". Three of them were killed during this.
As it seems the Palestinian elites, nationalist thugs and religious fanatics fuck up "the Palestinians" (whatever kind of identity that is) similarly to the Israeli authorities.
Good takes from the U.K. on the issue can be found here:
An interesting solution proposal here:
If people were serious about challenging Anti-Semitism there is no ground on which to deny the very right of existence of some sort of self-defence, which in this case happens to be conducted by the state of Israel. To cut things (too) short: Israel it a crucial (maybe the only) safe space for Jewish people. Taking the strong Anti-Semitic currents in the sorrounding countries (Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Syria etc.), which openly deny the holocaust and call for mass execution of "the Jews" the dissolution of the Israeli state and the IDF would end in a massacre. Anti-Semitism is just as well, still raging in the Western world (German and other opinion polls on this are appalling). And "the Left" is no exception to that:
Here are two short but good analysis of this interconnection between anti-capitalism and anti-semitism:
"The anti-semitic ideology is usually embedded into a worldview, which ‘explains’ the evils of modern capitalist society. Capitalism in this worldview is not seen as a process, which arises following its own structural logic without a particular leadership, but rather as an exploitative project consciously put into effect by evil people. Historically, this way of thinking emerged in the 19th century in Europe in a time of to the rapid spread of capitalist society and the social upheavals this triggered. The anti-Semitic worldview thus consists of personification for non-understood economic and social procedures and draws upon the picture of the ‘Jewish capitalist’ that is deeply embedded in Western culture, which for centuries associated Jews with money. It can be displayed in talk of ‘the capitalists’ who ‘pull the strings’ from ‘the US East Coast’, ‘dominate the world’ and just can’t get enough with their ‘greed’."
from: "Make a foreshortened critique of capitalism history!"
Here is the Free Association's take on it:
"[...] it’s hard to re-compose that antagonism (between capital and "the exploited", the industrialised working class or whatever) without falling into the trap of personalising capital. [...] Naming capital (a social relation) as the enemy doesn’t offer an easy course of action; naming the rich simplifies the social field, offering us some grip on the world. But it does this by providing a scapegoat. This stand-in might be the aristocracy, the ruling class or investment bankers – any element that is seen as ‘parasitic’ or ‘unproductive’. And historically it has often been linked with violent anti-Semitism."
from: "Six impossible things before breakfast"
This conflict is much more complex than most Solidarity groups (on both sides) make it. There is no clear cut good or evil. And as long as we as anarchists have not created safe spaces and communities in which both anti-Semitism and anti-Islamic racism are constantly challenged by ourselves, our social control, in the Middle East and everywhere: There is no easy way out. We need an alliance of grassroots initiatives that challenge all reactionary authorities and resentments and work together
to build alliances to overcome _all_ statist imperatives with as little bloodshed as possible.
I feel like playing the devil's advocate, while formulating this critique. But maybe this already shows how strong the dubious discourses that I have described already are.
I wish love and rage to you all!
Hide the following 11 comments
25.10.2010 13:04
but there are aspects of it which are simple enough
for a start, Israelis (like me) need to put pressure on their government (who are not very nice people) to change the current situation until palestinians have the same rights as israelis
so many issues could be ironed out by this
unfortunately it seems far away as there is a clear difference now in how the two groups are treated.
the situation feels a bit like this
one man is lying on the ground, another man is standing and has his boot on the fallen mans neck.
the fallen man has seen his olive trees burned, his land stolen by force, his water poisoned, his brother killed, his children oppressed (in some cases killed) etc etc
now what do you think would happen if the guy who is standing up let his boot off the fallen man's neck and let him up?
I would want revenge..... but in this case it is me and my family who are the oppressors, and we are the ones who will suffer the revenge.
I hear other Israelis say that the jews wont just disappear, we have a right to a land and to live on the earth...... thats obvious..... but what they so often fail to consider is that the palestinians wont just go away either.
Basically I agree that it is important to emphasize the history of persecution of the jews.... Many like me are not religious..... most of my friends dont care about religion, and if they didnt live in such a charged up place then we probably wouldnt even think about it
One thing that outsiders dont always know about is how divided Israel is, there is very little interaction between the communities of jews and muslim, and christians..... they are even divided within religion, it is in my opinion the main issue
Their god (the 3 religions) is a dude called yahweh..... some kind of war god..... anyway he seems to be getting his fix.
It is very rare for an Israeli to speak arabic (apart from the arabs who live in israel) most of the arabs do speak hebrew quite well tho, or at least a little bit.
Israel is bloated on its sudden success and over confident, public image is and always has been its main focus
people often tell me they admire israeli innovation and agriculture..... i tell them to go and actually see it, it isnt pretty, we grow kiwiws in the desert, bananas too..... we use fossil water..... and we use a lot of chemicals, and now its mostly thai workers coming over to farm it all,
its complicated,
I hope gradual intergration is the answer......
25.10.2010 14:21
Look at Israel Shamir, who says that the Jews are trying to take over the world: 'Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters.'
Here's his idea of 'anti-zionism': 'I think it is every Muslim's and Christian's duty to deny the Holocaust, to reject this belief, just as Abraham and Moses rejected the idols. Any person who confesses to God should deny the Holocaust.'
But even now there are still an 'anti-racist' fringe who can't see any problem with saying things like that, and think Shamir is some kind of hero. In effect they say, 'tell any lie about the Jews you want, as long as you're doing it in the name of Palestinian solidarity it's not anti-semitism'.
for example
Why Judaism has a historical association with capitalism
25.10.2010 14:22
So it doesn't justify antisemitism but it is an explanation for the roots of the stereotype.
Cultural groups do tend to cluster around particular professions e.g. Afro-Caribbean immigrants from the 60s working on the buses and trains in London. That is just the way it happens.
I'm not sure whether it is the case today that Jewish people are disproportionately working in the banking sector though. It still doesn't mean that anti-capitalism is necessarily antisemitic.
Anyway, my solution to the Israel/Palestine fiasco? Get everyone to become atheists and then they will hopefully get along much better, At least there won't be all that historical dogma getting in the way.
Not just Muslims
25.10.2010 21:44
So, there's no particular association of Jewish people with the development of capitalism other than the fact that Christianity took a while to re-define its scruples away and jump on the bandwagon. Once they had done so, there was no further need for Jews to be the sole providers of credit. That restraint having been removed, pogroms, expulsions and genocide were intensified.
There is certainly a strong association between Jewish people (if not Judaism) and the development of anarchism. That should be acknowledged too, and the Jewish role in early medieval banking should be viewed in a proper historical perspective.
What is a semite?
26.10.2010 00:23
I am suspicious of the recent trend (not just on indymedia) of associating anti-zionism with anti semitism. Most zionists are not semitic anyway!
Most semites are muslim. (Yes they really are)
Before the zionist project .... the early beginnings of which involved terrorist tactics, bombings, kidnappings, assassinations, general intimidation...... (in the years before they had the means to be as sophisticated in their terrorism as they are now.) jews christians and muslims lived side by side in relative peace, for a long time, semitic peoples of different faith, they even shared temples such as the abraham temple/mosque in hebron/al khalil
Basically what is happening now is that a lot of white people are colonizing a place where there were, and still are, a lot of brown people (including semitic jews who never supported zionism)..... sound familiar?
the influx of people who consider themselves semitic are mostly not semitic and not descended from abraham (assuming he ever existed..... a big assumption)
These are the descendants of those people converted in europe and africa by jewish missionaries ..... how else do you explain the much persecuted Ethiopian jews (persecuted ironically by their fellow non-semitic Israeli ashkenazis)
I dont care about bloodlines, most people dont, its plain silly
Blatantly only a cruel and generally awful god would want for his/her people what is happening now in israel.... so yes obviously, lets not persecute the jews..... come on thats bloody obvious, and lets support and protect them when they are persecuted..... but lets not forget about those poor hospitable sods the palestinians (or whatever you want to call them).
I am working to build bridges between the two sides in this conflict, thats what I do
I have close friends in both communities
but i still havent met any anti semitic anti zionists..... maybe im just lucky?!
And for any anti-semitic anti zionists, i would tell them..... you are mostly against muslims, and for anti-jewish people i would say how is it worse than the other religions?
And for israelis i say go and learn arabic, make friends with a druze..... make love to a muslim!
Israel probably only has another generation at most before it eats itself alive, and i dont think its going to be pretty..... any fool who thinks the settlements will last 1000 years should take a look at the history books and also at the cracks which already appear in the walls.
Come on! lets stop being idiots and share the earth in peace!
jr hartley
consult your local DNA
26.10.2010 06:01
Ah, the Khazar crap again.
Sorry, kid, but every DNA study ever done shows that, yes, Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews are closely related, and that the Khazar bullshit is just bullshit.
gentle reminder
nope your full of crap
26.10.2010 09:13
So called science performed as if by magic to prove all the nonsense in the bible is zionist sponsored, and highly dubious.
Even an idiot can see that it is white people displacing brown people.
Why don't the Israeli magic 'scientists' try to prove that the Ethiopian jews are family too?
They don't care about them because they are racist and they only do magic to prove white people are semitic.
The most important thing is that we are all one family and to divide us along these blood lines is utterly ridiculous and indeed extremely harmful.
Come on then hit me with more of your zionist shit.
Next you'll be telling me that humus was invented by Russians?
gentle reminder?
ooops turns out you don't know what you're talking about
26.10.2010 23:30
"The latest DNA volume weighs in on the controversial, centuries-old (and now revived in a 2008 book) claim that European Jews are all the descendants of Khazars, a Turkic group of the north Caucasus who converted to Judaism in the late eighth and early ninth century. The DNA has spoken: no."
So sorry you have decided to be so wrong about the science. And it's really telling that you confuse science with magic.
another gentle reminder
eugenics and inbreeding is nothing to be proud of...
27.10.2010 22:08
Why should it matter anyway? Inbreeding and basing a state on "racial purity" is nothing to be proud of.
what's not cool
28.10.2010 04:05
Crap analysis.
29.10.2010 01:58
Not all capitalists are Jews. Some of them are just wankers. If some of them are Jewish, then that just makes them Jewish wankers.
I think we should guard against Jewish extremists feathering their nests by coming to the aid of the current government against the evil "cuts protesters" by the way. We all know how many Jewish activists came to the aid of the last murderous government in its hour of need against the anti-war camp!
Making money while people are dying...that's sick!