As we speak, Iceland’s first post-collapse trial is taking place. To no-one’s surprise, the accused are individuals from the most radical part of the uprising that toppled Iceland’s government during the winter of 2008 and 2009. The people – anarchists and radical leftists – are now facing somewhere between 1 and 16 years in prison, will they be found guilty of attacking the parliament.
They are in desperate need of support and solidarity actions from abroad.
A brand new information booklet in English, about the case against the Reykjavík Nine, was distributed at the London Anarchist Bookfair yesterday.
The booklet has now been uploaded on the Reykjavík Nine website, so people can send it to friends and comrades, please print it out and distribute it.
The booklet can be downloaded here: Also for distribution is a video from the Anarchist Bookfair, where a RVK9 supporter briefly explains the case: The dates for the principal proceedings (witness hearings and all that…) are not set yet due to the pregnancy of one of the nine defendants. The proceedings had been set for the end of November and beginning of December, which is exactly the time she is supposed to give birth. Therefore it is likely that the case will not take place until in January or February 2011. Note that this is not confirmed but only a rumor.
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