"Around The Table TV"
(formally The Kitchen Table TV)
A merging of theatre, discussion & the internet
"In the beginning is the web"- Unique Global Event - Glasonbury UK - Live Interactive Global Discussion Webcast
"Around The Table TV"
(formally The Kitchen Table TV)
A merging of theatre, discussion & the internet
"There is nothing wrong with our world, were just having a weird conversation" - By reclaiming the conversation we change our world.
"Changing our world by changing our conversation"
There is non audience - There are no experts....we are all experts
Each of us has our life experience to bring to the table - every one of us
When: - October 31st - Halloween Sunday 12 noon to 7 pm
Where: @ The Tor Leisure Centre
Street Road, Glastonbury, Somerset. BA6 9EF. UK
01458 832393
Followed in the evening by an open mike poetry, music or whatever social event
This event is taking place ALSO on the web
you can find the webcast @
On the Saturday night before there is the "Halloween Faery Ball"
@ Glastonbury Town Hall
Indoor overnight accomodation is available in the Tor leisure centre
for £5 per person per night sat and sunday
bring sleeping bag - advance notice of intention is requested.
ALSO there is space to pitch a tent or park a live in vehicle
See Contact Info @ bottom of the page
"Pregnant with possibility" is how Brian Viziondanz has described
"Around The Table TV"
"a fully interactive participatory event",
"an experimental discussion forum"
" The "Around The Table" TV event will be a blending of theatre and
discussion, where there is no audience as such as everyone is invited and encouraged to be involved.
For those unable to attend the event in Glastonbury in person. the discussions will be webcast through the website
Those who are watching on the web will be able to interact with the discussions through twitter which will be projected on a large screen in the venue, these contributions will be fed into the ongoing discussions and back out through the webcast maximising the potential synergy of the event
The Format
The Table will be situated in the centre of the floor surrounded by "the audience", there will be chairs at the table which will be occupied by
whoever wants to be there.
There will be a pot in which we can put our suggestions subjects for
discussion at the table. Every 30 minutes, one new subject will be randomly selected.
Each person at the table can discuss the subject for 60 seconds then allow someone else to take it up if anyone wants to.
At the end of 30 minutes a 5 minute summing up of the discussion will take
place, then a new subject will be selected.
If the table is full and someone wishes to participate someone at the table will
be requested to surrender their place - we will draw straws if necessary
we would like to create the feeling of your home and invite you to
bring snacks food etc etc to share - there will be a bottomless coffee pot and teapot.
This is a "magic hat" event where you are invited to make donation to cover
This is the third of a series of experimental events in this genre and it will
be videoed and broadcast live over the internet.
The video will also be edited down and distilled into capsules to be shown on the internet at a later date
We are also encouraging people to host and video similar events in
their home town and upload them to youtube which we will embed on the
See video of previous events in the previous incarnation of "The
Kitchen Table TV" here:
Last phase of the last event Live webcast from Glastonbury UK
Easter sunday 2010
follow on twitter
This is a joint project between
Gungho Media and
Global Vision Network tv