Whether your cause be Civil or Criminal, this event is for you and requires your support. Campaign for Truth & Justice will be challenging the jurisdiction of the judiciary to sit in judgement of any cause or matter, be it Civil or Criminal, at the Royal Courts of Justice Strand, London Monday 4th October 2010 time 10:30am
Evidence will be produced in court which exposes deliberate lawbreaking by members of the judiciary, evidence of the bench perverting the due course of justice, denying access to court in violation of Local, National and International law.
The lawful outcome of this case could assist you if you have ever, suffered any of the following; wrongful conviction, false imprisonment, bankruptcy, repossessions orders, in fact, any judicial matter which has not gone in your favour.
The truth of this evidence is being suppressed by the media and the government because of the obvious implications for the entire system. Therefore, success of this case depends on you and the general public.
We have been trying to get into court for many years but this opportunity has come about because of an attempt to seize property by way of receivership. There is a possibility that the case will not go forward but that would simply prove that the judiciary does not want to be confronted by this evidence. If that be the case then this matter could still be used for further challenges to the integrity of the judiciary.
The truth is that you have nothing to lose by showing your support and so much to gain whichever way events turn out. Think about it, it's not everyday you get to use a double edged sword.
Real Power is in the hands of the People but only when we come together in unity as One Voice. No lawbreaker can be a law enforcer, that would be hypocrisy. Here is a quote presented by a former Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith;
"In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperilled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Government is the omnipresent teacher, for good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example, if the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law, it invites everyman to become a law unto himself, it invites anarchy"
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