A general strike is taking place throughout Spain today aginst the so-called "austerity measures" imposed by the government and capital. Since midnight piquets, blockades, actions and demonstrations are taking place all over the Spanish State. The strike is planned to last for 24h until midnight tonight..
For continuous coverage, latest reports and updates from the streets check out:
http://29-s.net (cat/sp)
Video galleries:
http://29-s.net/-videos- Photo galleries:
http://29-s.net/-galeries-de-fotos- Live radio stream (in catalan and spanish):
As part of the strike, a massive building in central Barcelona has been occupied since last Sunday to provide a space for coordination and mobilisation. The occupation of this building is seen as the starting point for a coordinated series of mobilisations to resist the salvage cuts the Spanish government and capital are imposing to society in general.
See video of last Sunday's demonstration and occupation of the bulidling here:
http://movimentdel25.org/?p=93 Website of the occupation:
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Video of the strike in Barcelona
29.09.2010 15:22